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Sent from my WiFi Only Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using iPF
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Sent from my WiFi Only Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using iPF

Forgot to say THANKS for compliments.

Sent from my WiFi Only Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using iPF
This is a photo of Bart snuggling in my husband's guitar case, one of Bart's favorite places to sleep while my husband is practicing.

Bart also likes to pluck on the guitar strings with one of his teeth.


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This is a photo of Bart snuggling in my husband's guitar case, one of Bart's favorite places to sleep while my husband is practicing.

Bart also likes to pluck on the guitar strings with one of his teeth.

Just love this! How cute is that!
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=42340"/><img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=42341"/>
Kazimir likes to eat my flower )

Love your Kazimir.......very regal indeed!
This is an out of date photo of Morgan, the cat with feline leukemia that I rescued in the fall of last year and found a home for with neighbors who rescued a cat that my husband and I adopted (Bart) a couple of years before. She's gained a lot more weight and her features are far more rounded. Because I was her savior, we bonded very quickly. She's quite a well-behaved, considerate, affectionate, and a very social kitty.

Because she's only two doors down from my apartment on my floor, I get to see Morgan every 4-7 weeks. My neighbor, the mom in the family, offered to let me see her this week.

It's always great to see Morgan, the miracle sweetie who was less than 24 hours from being euthanized if my neighbors hadn't adopted her. Morgan's family adores her, and she bonded immediately with her family members.

When I rescued her, one of the tests indicated that while she'd been exposed to the virus, her body was actively fighting it. The vet said that it would take 6 months for symptoms to appear, and it's been 6 months and she continues to be symptom free. Her life expectancy is about 5 years, and that's 5 years more than my husband and I could have given her in a household with 2 other cats.

Seeing her alive is such a joy.

I'm so lucky to have such big-hearted neighbors, especially people who understand how very sensitive she is to changes in her routine. They are taking great care of her.

I made at least one right decision in 2012.


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