iPF Noob
Woooot. A thread for the pets haha.
Currently, we have 6 cats, Daisy, Tinkerbell, Monster, Bentley, Max, Pepsi.
Daisy and tinkerbell are both female tabbys, however tinkerbell is cross between Egyptian cat, so shes kitten size
, Bentley is a pure white male, monster is a pure black male with a very curly tail, max is a rag doll, he's the oldest, almost 4 and Pepsi is the newest kitten to our family. Shes 8 months old, black and white domestic.
We also have three turtles. Two yellow bellies, one boy one girl, called Angel and Teefor, we named them before we knew the sex lol. They're both 9 months old.
Our other turtle is a Mississippi map, hes a male and called gramps, cause hes 2 years old and just shuffles and slides everywhere lol.
Also owner of a ferret called Alfie
hes a beauty!
Currently, we have 6 cats, Daisy, Tinkerbell, Monster, Bentley, Max, Pepsi.
Daisy and tinkerbell are both female tabbys, however tinkerbell is cross between Egyptian cat, so shes kitten size

We also have three turtles. Two yellow bellies, one boy one girl, called Angel and Teefor, we named them before we knew the sex lol. They're both 9 months old.
Our other turtle is a Mississippi map, hes a male and called gramps, cause hes 2 years old and just shuffles and slides everywhere lol.
Also owner of a ferret called Alfie