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Yes, he is a wolf sabre coloured miniature Pomeranian. I love him to bits. He has to wear jumpers in the winter as he suffers hair loss in winter.
More Santa Paws pics. We had a wardrobe change as Santa was trying to eat his costume. LOL.




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More Santa Paws pics. We had a wardrobe change as Santa was trying to eat his costume. LOL. <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=51782"/> <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=51783"/> <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=51784"/> Sent from my WiFi Only Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using iPF

How cute is Santa! All those sequins must have proved impossible for him to resist.
How cute is Santa! All those sequins must have proved impossible for him to resist.

I know, miraculously, they are all still on Santa's little suit lol. Thanks!!

Sent from my WiFi Only Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using iPF
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=51810"/> I have no idea if this will work but here goes! This is my dog Tom with his very old ball!!

Well it worked! And Tom is just lovely......he must love that old ball!

Mine loves all her toys and gets upset if she can't find one of them! ;)
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=51810"/> I have no idea if this will work but here goes! This is my dog Tom with his very old ball!!
What a handsome fellow he is Marge! I think if that ball was brand new he would not love it so much. And your post and the picture worked very well:)

Hi guys have been too busy to post anything but in 2013 I bought a new member into our family a sweet darling Wienmarenerimage.webpimage.webp puppy and named her Misty, as she's the color of mist she is now 7 months old
Hi guys have been too busy to post anything but in 2013 I bought a new member into our family a sweet darling WienmarenerView attachment 51826View attachment 51827 puppy and named her Misty, as she's the color of mist she is now 7 months old

Hi Maple2011, that's a pretty addition to your family there. I suspect you're going to need your camera handy as she is going to love to pose for many more nice pics for you:)

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