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Okay, I absolutely adore Siamese, Burmese, Balinese etc... Breeds! I want them, give them to me! I so miss my seal point siamese cross Balinese cat called Smarty Pants. I've posted on here before about him so won't upset myself again.

Do they open fridges, doors, demand their dinner loudly, go for walks in countryside and so on. This breed is unique in the cat world.

You must miss them, when you go away! I know I do!

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
Hayles66 said:
Okay, I absolutely adore Siamese, Burmese, Balinese etc... Breeds! I want them, give them to me! I so miss my seal point siamese cross Balinese cat called Smarty Pants. I've posted on here before about him so won't upset myself again.

Do they open fridges, doors, demand their dinner loudly, go for walks in countryside and so on. This breed is unique in the cat world.

You must miss them, when you go away! I know I do!

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app

Simon is just like that. He's the first one up and is not happy until he get a handful if his favorite hard food. Romeo only gets up when Brenda does an is satisfied with anything. Yesterday morning they both sat by the fireplace looking up and would not leave. Here are a couple of shaky pictures done with the iPad but shows what they found.


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Yes, I'd forgotten Smarty loved being warm, always by the fire or in the window or patio sunning himself! I must get out the photos and take a picture with my iPhone and show you. He was short haired, don't know why, his sister was long haired, mind you, short is good.

Smarty was never a catcher of birds or mice, he just hid under the pouffe and lay in wait until Sam went by and leaped out and grabbed his tail or legs. Sam never did learn to watch out.

We used to hear the door handle go and there he was dangling from it so he could open the door. Favourite trick was to grab the rubber seal on the fridge and claw it open so all the animals could eat contents of fridge. He adored chicken, went absolutely loopy for it.

It's funny how when I start to talk about him, it all comes back, you never forget them, do you!

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
All your pets are beautiful as are your pictures. I tried to post to your thread my comments but I got a message saying I hadn't posted enough to post to a thread with attachments.

I'm a newbie on this forum. I'm waiting on my ipad and at the moment my main computer is being restored after falling victim to trojan horse and virus infections. That is the computer with the pictures.

I do have some beautiful pictures on my website of the Biewers, a rare breed dog that I show and bred.

and when I can post pictures I will try. One of the reasons I am looking forward to the arrival of my Ipad2 somewhere around the 27th of May.

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Okay, update on my dog star, he is now toothless, he is running around with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, not very attractive, he definitely won't attract girlies with that look. Apparently the gums will harden up and he will be able to have his favourite chews again. He's asleep on my lap now.
Great to hear star is doing well, he will be even better when the gums are healed, good news from star then. Btw Hayles, your pm box is full

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2
Numnutz...takin' another nappypoooo.....
Why can't I lay around all day and sleep?....
And yes he's neutered....poor fella.

Hope this doesn't count as porn...lol.


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Just discovered the app My Dog. It records statistics for the dog, meds, vaccinations etc. Can also be emails to vet, dog groomed etc.
Our cat is Coco. She a local tortie and has definitely won cats lotto.
She has a wonderful life catching lizards and mice and rats.
The rest of her life is sleeping and eating
The only problem is she brings all catches home to show us.Most times they are alive when she brings them into the house.
Not quite what we had in mind for the pest control.
Constantly checking the floor each morning for offerings.
But we love her lots.
Call her cheeky chops for short!


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Here's my two. Lit' l Bit is just 2.4 lbs. Quit growing at 3 months. I can her my spider legs because of her long legs, but she acts like an Indian when she runs to rescue the Calvary, which is Cujo, a black 5 lb pom that almost didn't make it was so sick when I got him...such a fighter, thus his name, and is the town greeter. People love the tongue-in-cheek name for him. And Preacher, I have the same arrangement with my chair and their beds!


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Wokiebear said:
Here's my two. Lit' l Bit is just 2.4 lbs. Quit growing at 3 months. I can her my spider legs because of her long legs, but she acts like an Indian when she runs to rescue the Calvary, which is Cujo, a black 5 lb pom that almost didn't make it was so sick when I got him...such a fighter, thus his name, and is the town greeter. People love the tongue-in-cheek name for him. And Preacher, I have the same arrangement with my chair and their beds!

I love your two little guys. I am a long time owner of Pomeranians. My mum used to breed them. My latest one is Star and he seems to lurch from one illness to another. Last year he developed black skin disease(alopecia), then this year he's lost all his teeth and now he's got this sneezing cough which doesn't seem to clear up. I'm giving him tablets again. What sort of illness did Cujo have? I'd be interested to know any info on it. Here's a photo of my baby.

sent with love from my iPad on IPF


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