Hi to answer your question first iunes Australia is more expensive than USA iTunes but not by a huge amount.. I can give you details on how to access iTunes USA by send ing me a private message. You purchase an American iTunes card for $52 converted is about $52 Australian at this time and then you can rent a huge selection from USA iTunes. The next issue is donot even consider this if you are on 3G. You must be on broadband with wifi with at least a minimum of 20gb per month. Average Sd movie is 2 gb Hd is around 3.5 gb. Adsl2 or cable is ideal. If you have any other questions just ask.
Just for the record I cannot provide the email of my contact in the forum for obvious reasons lol. I personally have Apple TV on the USA iTunes site plus 2 iPads plus 2 iPhones and a MacBook. I can switch on the fly between USA , Australia and British iTunes stores. The British iTunes 50 pound cards can be purchased via eBay for around $70 Australian if you purchase apps all sync fine however updates require you to switch iTunes stores. It is that simple. It is not just the movies but also the music that is available. I love the foreign movies and there are many on both the USA iTunes store and British iTunes store. Have fun...