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Target inventory search works! Got one!

I was in my school when I was surfing the web from time to time, the stock inventory included. I was looking for 32gb wifi white, and then suddenly Pasadena had available. i called and went there in 1 hour and got one! thanks for all your helps guys!!!

did u ask the electronics department?? I also called and they said they didnt have any!! what time did you call btw..??
I was in my school when I was surfing the web from time to time, the stock inventory included. I was looking for 32gb wifi white, and then suddenly Pasadena had available. i called and went there in 1 hour and got one! thanks for all your helps guys!!!

did u ask the electronics department?? I also called and they said they didnt have any!! what time did you call btw..??

I called at 11:30 am and they said they JUST got it out to the shelf.

They also said something about 0830 and 1700 is the UPS arrival and the arrival they just received was their Target delivery or something, so it was unexpected.

I arrived at 12:30 and there were only white available, but that was what I wanted.

Oh, there were only 4 white and 4 black 32 gig wifi editions.
Thank you for posting this Target tool!!! I had ordered my white AT&T 32gb last week with a ship date of April 22. When I checked Target's inventory I saw that a store near where my husband works showed availability this morning. I called this afternoon and they confirmed that there was one left. A couple of hours later my husband went to the store and bought it for me!!! I'm so happy to have my new iPad 2 since I sold my old one yesterday!!!
Hey say this forum section and had to post I got mine at target yesterday using the target online inventory checker. It really works!
Can you believe all the idiots paying $1000 for these on eBay when all they needed was a little patience and some brainpower to find one? I mean type in "iPad 2 inventory search" into google and the links pop up. So many lazy and stupid people out there!
Can you believe all the idiots paying $1000 for these on when all they needed was a little patience and some brainpower to find one? I mean type in "iPad 2 inventory search" into google and the links pop up. So many lazy and stupid people out there!

lots of those auctions over 1k are international buyers.
KneeDragr said:
Can you believe all the idiots paying $1000 for these on eBay when all they needed was a little patience and some brainpower to find one? I mean type in "iPad 2 inventory search" into google and the links pop up. So many lazy and stupid people out there!

Well, it HAS been said: "A fool and his money are soon parted."

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF
I found best buy inventory checker with message "in store only" at two stores here in Oregon, I wanted to ring before drive and was told none in inventory.
I asked why the availability is shown as "in store only" instead of "unavailable", she has no clue and could not answer except none available..
whats that means? had anyone else experienced this???

TARGET Inventory is showing "out of stock" since day1 and not working for me...
Can you believe all the idiots paying $1000 for these on when all they needed was a little patience and some brainpower to find one? I mean type in "iPad 2 inventory search" into google and the links pop up. So many lazy and stupid people out there!

Not everyone is as smart and wise like you, right?
I found best buy inventory checker with message "in store only" at two stores here in Oregon, I wanted to ring before drive and was told none in inventory.
I asked why the availability is shown as "in store only" instead of "unavailable", she has no clue and could not answer except none available..
whats that means? had anyone else experienced this???

TARGET Inventory is showing "out of stock" since day1 and not working for me...

I had a similar experience at Best Buy twice last week (two different stores, one Monday and the other Friday) in person. Online it said they were available, and on Monday I was told they were in stock, but all "spoken for" since they had all the preorders (people who paid $100 to get on their wait list). On Friday at another store, I was told the same, but given more information- apparently they were getting some in stock every day, and if you called and they had one available you could purchase it over the phone and they would hold it for you, which many were apparently doing. Seems smart on the stores part and I don't know if all the BB's are doing this.....

I called another BB on my way home the same day that also said available and was told they were out of stock and the person I talked to didn't seem to know what I was talking about- just kept saying they didn't have any...
SweetPoison said:
Not everyone is as smart and wise like you, right?

A moderator making an insulting comment?

Clearly I was making the point that only the stupidest of iPad buyers would spend obscene money, I was not bragging.

If you did not deduce that maybe you are one of the eBay buyers yes?
A valiant knight in shining armour rides to the defence of a lady moderator in distress.

Marie has a great sense of humour and, in all the time I've 'known' her, has never ever insulted anyone. She has a kind heart and a very sharp mind.

Scotland - and riding off into the sunset..
KneeDragr said:
A moderator making an insulting comment?

Clearly I was making the point that only the stupidest of iPad buyers would spend obscene money, I was not bragging.

If you did not deduce that maybe you are one of the eBay buyers yes?

Here's where you went wrong...you called those big spenders "the stupidest of iPad buyers". Chances are great many of them have much more money to spend to get what they want right away because they're a whole lot smarter than you and their knowledge and education is in demand or they're innovators and leaders in their industries. Sure, some of them aren't exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer but I would be hard pressed to call any of them stupid because they all recognize just how important a product the iPad is.

In general, they're not stupid. They're just a bit impatient. And they've got extra dough.

Jealous much?

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF

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