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Target inventory search works! Got one!

Here's where you went wrong...you called those big spenders "the stupidest of iPad buyers". Chances are great many of them have much more money to spend to get what they want right away because they're a whole lot smarter than you and their knowledge and education is in demand or they're innovators and leaders in their industries.

Im the part owner and tech director of a successful simulation company and made multiple hundreds of thousands last year. If you dont believe me I will bet you 100$ and show you my tax return.

So tell me about how there are all these guys much smarter than me paying $1000 for one?

See, now thats bragging! :)
Im the part owner and tech director of a successful simulation company and made multiple hundreds of thousands last year. If you dont believe me I will bet you 100$ and show you my tax return.

So tell me about how there are all these guys much smarter than me paying $1000 for one?

See, now thats bragging! :)

So your saying for all your money and how much your time is worth that you can't justify paying an extra couple hundred to save your very valuable time.

Now I too question who is smarter... :)

Sent from my HTC Glacier
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KneeDragr said:
Incorrect, she attacked me directly, where as I targeted a 'unknown' vast market of people in general.

There is no need to attack anyone, it's up to each person how they want to spend they're money. But if you are going to attack a group of people that you don't know personally then don't get all flustered when you are met with some sarcasm.
A valiant knight in shining armour rides to the defence of a lady moderator in distress.

Marie has a great sense of humour and, in all the time I've 'known' her, has never ever insulted anyone. She has a kind heart and a very sharp mind.

Scotland - and riding off into the sunset..

Tim ~ you are a nut! I wasn't in distress though.:D

Thank You.
I found best buy inventory checker with message "in store only" at two stores here in Oregon, I wanted to ring before drive and was told none in inventory.
I asked why the availability is shown as "in store only" instead of "unavailable", she has no clue and could not answer except none available..
whats that means? had anyone else experienced this???

Yep, this happened to me today, and happens with Best Buy a lot. Their website is extremely unreliable when it comes to that.
I picked up a wifi 32GB in white at Target on Thursday as it was all they had and my patience on my web order was wearing thin. I had prepared myself for getting a black one, so I didn't open it. With a bit of preplanning, I spent the wee hours of the morning in line at the Apple Store and got it in black.

So...just returned my white one still in the shrink wrap to Target. Probably back in stock and hopefully scooped up by a lucky customer already. Congrats to whomever picked it up.
While at work today I tried the Target inventory checker at lunch time. They showed 64gb in stock. Ran over at 3pm and got the last one!
I'm not sure how often the stock gets updated. I checked in my area for a 32 gig wifi black, and a store showed limited availability. I immediately went to the store and they did not have any. When I asked the sales clerk, I was told that they had not had any for about 5 hours. :(

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