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The "Anything Goes" thread

AdmiralAdama said:
Talk about homogenization. That's EXACTLY what the exterior of the Apple Store that just opened near me looked like a week before grand opening.


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I think they hire scenery shifters! ;)

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This is a Governor General Medal given to its original recipient by Lord Stanley of Preston, Governor General of Canada.
Lord Stanley is the Governor General who donated the Stanley Cup as a Hockey trophy.


scifan57 said:
This is a Governor General Medal given to its original recipient by Lord Stanley of Preston, Governor General of Canada.
Lord Stanley is the Governor General who donated the Stanley Cup as a Hockey trophy.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=25161"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=25162"/>

What a nice medal you have Sci!

Love all types of medals, especially war ones, I have a few of my dad's.
leelai said:
What a nice medal you have Sci!

Love all types of medals, especially war ones, I have a few of my dad's.

I've got 6 Governor General medals in my collection. I'll have to post photos of them sometime.
Cities and towns across Canada are hosting the annual "Terry Fox" run today. This national commitment to raise awareness of cancer and funds for treatment and research, is the extension of a young man's determination to make his battle with cancer mean something and help others.

Some background if you'd like to know more.


Some pics from the start-line for the race in Ottawa, Ontario.


Days like today remind me that whenever you feel lost in the "big picture" just remember you're one of the many pieces that make it complete.


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AdmiralAdama said:
Cities and towns across Canada are hosting the annual "Terry Fox" run today. This national commitment to raise awareness of cancer and funds for treatment and research, is the extension of a young man's determination to make his battle with cancer mean something and help others.

Some background if you'd like to know more.


Some pics from the start-line for the race in Ottawa, Ontario.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=25178"/>
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=25179"/>
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=25180"/>

Days like today remind me that whenever you feel lost in the "big picture" just remember you're one of the many pieces that make it complete.


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Thank you for posting this AA. The Wiki article is worth reading. The article highlights the importance of "grass roots" running clubs and their low key events.

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Tis a time for joy and celebration. Look what's coming to The Glades shopping centre in Bromley!

View attachment 25085

I sneaked this photo on my Motorola V235 phone. We are not allowed to take photos inside the Glades! ;)

Now, a question. Does Apple follow us forum users and decide to put new stores where the more prolific posters live? If so, I'm looking forward to the new store in Vanatu :D

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Here in SLC, we have an exciting new downtown shopping complex called "City Creek." It replaces two previous malls--Crossroads and ZCMI Center--and it takes up two city blocks. We have three luxury apartment/condo buildings and apparently, they were sold out 90% or better before City Creek opened. These are places where you can spend two million bucks for a tiny condo overlooking a vast mall.

At least the WiFi is free and plentiful and mall parking is free for the first hour.

Lots of high end stores and it has made downtown cool again because what once was a ghost town with almost no stores is now a growing place where it is getting hard to rent store space. It is almost like the economy is strong because lots of people are opening stores and lots of customers buying.

I love the river they built inside the mall, the fact that construction is absolutely the best I have ever seen and construction quality is second to none. They even have little stands that dispense doggy doo doo bags because dogs are allowed inside the mall. The roof retracts in the summer, too.

Anyway, we expect a new Apple store to arrive, but not without controversy. There is an Apple store at another new shopping complex three or four blocks away in the Gateway Plaza. Apparently, the Gateway people are accusing City Creeks people of trying to steal the Apple store by offering cut square foot rates. And apparently, the owners of City Creek say, darn right we want Apple and darn right we made them an offer. What of it?

Currently, there seems to be no space left in City Creek for a large store like an Apple store, so please pray for a business failure so Apple can have room. They need the money..
I sneaked this photo on my Motorola V235 phone. We are not allowed to take photos inside the Glades! ;)

Now, a question. Does Apple follow us forum users and decide to put new stores where the more prolific posters live? If so, I'm looking forward to the new store in Vanatu :D

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In our new mall, there is a sign that warns you they (the mall people) have the right to use pictures of you in their advertising without compensation. Not sure if I should try to launch my movie career by being discovered by the Mall's ad wonks or be upset because this is clearly, possibly wrong I think in some manner I must ask Google about.
Bob Maxey said:
In our new mall, there is a sign that warns you they (the mall people) have the right to use pictures of you in their advertising without compensation. Not sure if I should try to launch my movie career by being discovered by the Mall's ad wonks or be upset because this is clearly, possibly wrong I think in some manner I must ask Google about.

Your appointment with Mr. Orwell is at 19:84 GMT sharp. Don't be late. ;)


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Giggle. Hello Bob. AA, I read that book in my last year of school and guess what? It was 1984! How about that for coincidence

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Of course I have. Didn't you realise this? Did you enjoy Dr Who? Not my favourite so far but alright. Definitely showing signs of the lack of companions. They are getting ready for the new companion. I will miss the Ponds though.

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Your appointment with Mr. Orwell is at 19:84 GMT sharp. Don't be late. ;)


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As a matter of fact, we Utah folks will soon play host to the largest (?) NSA data center on planet earth. This is not a secret, you can see it on the web. The power stations built for the installation can run the neighboring town and the cooling plant (apparently) could cool the entire city. Something like that. Seriously, the new data center is absolutely real.

It will handle yottabytes of data. And you clueless readers (SMILEY) I am not making up names. There really is a Yotabyte. It is not a misspelling of Yodabyte; this is not a Star Wars death star kinds of thing; the NSA will not start building that until 2015. This is very real and they want our data, dag nabbit. Smiley.

They know if you have been sleeping, they know if you are awake, and they know if you have been bad or good, so sell your devices, get off the grid, no more iPads and no cells, hide now for goodness sake. The NSA--National Santa Association--is paying attention. Uncle Sam wants You.

Apparently, the data center is capable of reading every phone call, watching every email, listening to every recorded image on the web. And it can order all of the 345,657,654 possible combinations of toppings offered by Pizza Hut; in 12,000 different languages, from every Pizza Hut on the planet earth, AT THE SAME TIME times infinity squared plus one.

Anyway, a yottabyte is a septillion bytes, or one million exabytes. One million of the things. Apparently (according to Wired Magazine) it is so large, no one has coined a term for the next higher magnitude. Eric Schmidt estimated that the total of all human knowledge created from the dawn of man to last wednesday at 4:45 EST is equal to 5 exabytes. And about 4.8 of those Exabytes is pure web crap, so please tell the NSA to delete it. their job will be easier.

So, unless I am wrong, the sum total of all human knowledge--including who got kicked off the island AND the incredible life of Justin Bieber, the most amazing star to light up my world--is only 5 exabytes, but this new data center will handle ONE MILLION EXABYTES. It's lots of stuff is what I am trying to convey.

So just be aware, if you reply to my posts, the NSA will watch you, too. I mean, hoe can I NOT be on their radar? Then they will come for you in the dark of night. I suggest...hold on, someone just broke down . . ,eergd,v
scifan57 said:
Citizens preparing for the civic elections in Regina on October 24th, 2012.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=25232"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=25233"/>

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What have been the main campaign issues?


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