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The "Anything Goes" thread

I'll miss Hallowe'en this year. I'll be working, unfortunately, so someone else will have to feed candy to the sawn-off savages.
KevinJS said:
I'll miss Hallowe'en this year. I'll be working, unfortunately, so someone else will have to feed candy to the sawn-off savages.

You could decorate your truck.;)
Amy Rose The Hedgehog said:
I can't stop thinking about the muskrat..!

Poor thing!!! DX

Amy, your muskrat and all the other wildlife unfortunate enough to be run over are in a better place where nothing can ever hurt them again.

Life among people is very dangerous for wildlife.
scifan57 said:
Amy, your muskrat and all the other wildlife unfortunate enough to be run over are in a better place where nothing can ever hurt them again.

Life among people is very dangerous for wildlife.

Your right
goofy8275 said:
Wow, it's Halloween in a month, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then 2013!

You forgot the end of the world. I think that slots in somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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