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The Official I pre-ordered my iPad 3 now I"m having 2nd thoughts thread!

I purchased the "New iPad" and I feel _____?

  • The "New iPad" is worth spending the money.

    Votes: 26 74.3%
  • The "New iPad" hasn't changed enough to be worth the money, but I'll buy it anyway.

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • I purchased the "New iPad" but also changed my mind. I'll wait for the next iPad.

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • I didn't purchase the "New iPad" because I knew it wasn't worth the money.

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
:thumbs: AQ_OC and AFANGRYWARRIOR, super post,you both swayed me very much,got me on the fence post for sure,i love my 2 very much and used it every day since purchase,uses are,home vids and pics,Netflix and HuLu and you know those things would look better with a 3,oh hell pleasure me Apple,count me in The Garden of gadgets.
The new display alone is worth the upgrade from my iPad 2 to the iPad 3. It's the main interface between you and the devise. This is major. I would never have canceled your order. You could have at least sold the new one on EBay for a huge profit but I don't think you would have given it up after seeing the display. This would be like turning down a date with a super model...
Completely worth it for me because I want it and can afford it. I had an I pad 2 and sold it for the 3. Ive come to accept I have a tech addiction and I'm OK with that. :-)
I have the original iPad, 32 gb/3G. I'm ready to upgrade, mainly because after the ios5 upgrade, my iPad got really slow, and safari blacks out a lot.
My dilemma is whether I should get the 32 gb wifi, or 4g. I have the Verizon Mifi, so I'm still able to get Internet everywhere I can get a signal. If I had purchased the ipad2, I probably would not bother to get the newer one. I usually upgrade every other model, same with my iPhones.
I'm coming from the first gen iPad myself. Honestly I saw no need to upgrade to iPad 2 when it was released because I saw no extreme improvement and I was happy with my first gen. My first gen has been acting kinda funky since the update so I was ready for an upgrade. As far as having second thoughts I would if I had an iPad 2. The way apple devises there upgrades it seems they skip a year but I believe this is to capture new iPad users or force upgrades of older model iPad users. Once the tablet market is fully saturated you'll see greater improvements year to year. So essentially the new iPad is not an upgrade for iPad 2 users but for those who still have the original iPad. I believe the original poster was very specific and non-judgmental in his original statement, i saw that as his opinion but some people on here are really tripping. He in no way said "you" shouldn't buy or cancel your order. I see now why I started staying away from these boards too many immature people.
AFAngryWarrior said:
Like most everyone else on this forum I am admittedly an Apple "Fanboy". I join you in speculation prior to an Apple release with a sense of giddy suspense. I clear my schedule for any Apple press conferences to ensure I'm able to watch the whole thing via a liveblog. I have an iPhone 4s, and iPad 2, and a Macbook Air. To sum it up, I love Apple.

I waited in eager suspense like most this past Wednesday. Waiting for Apple to once again blow us away with their innovation and post PC revival of technology. I had the liveblog in one browser window and the Apple.com store in another. I was ready to pre-order anything they had to offer before even seeing what it was. When the time came I rushed my credit card and billing information into the pre-order form and was the envy of the office. I could barely wait a week and a half to receive my new technological gift from the gods. I was a glow the entire rest of the week.

Then I woke up this morning as usual. I went to work, logged onto my work PC, read my e-mail, my normal routine. There in my inbox was my Apple.com receipt for my order. Giddy I clicked on the link to stare at my prized "New iPad" one more time. As I perused my purchase it dawned on me. It doesn't seem that much different from my iPad 2.

Sure it has a state of the art screen with 1 million pixels. It has a 5MP camera with iSight, and voice dictation. It even has the faster A5x processor that promises to make my gaming experience that much quicker. Is that however enough to justify $700? No longer was I quantifying it in terms of its cool and new. I was breaking it down to dollars and cents. Are the few improvements Apple made worth that much? Is purchasing the "New iPad" telling Apple that no matter what they sell we will buy it. If that's the case its no wonder they didn't include "Siri" or any other major improvements in the new device. They can put it in a "Newer iPad" 6 months from now and millions of people will buy it because we're programmed to love Apple products.

So I cancelled my order for the "New iPad" and pulled my iPad 2 listing off of Craigslist. Until Apple comes out with a product that I feel is worth my $700, I'm happy to use what I have. I'm curious to see if anyone else is having second thoughts. Has anyone else changed their mind or cancelled their orders after thinking it over?

I understand how you feel. I opted out of the iPad 2, since I was still enjoying my original iPad. Didn't really care about camera, could do that on my iPhone. If I had the iPad 2, I wouldn't upgrade. I usually upgrade every other model.
I have an iPad 2 and I am not upgrading right away. I can't justify spending that much money for a better screen ( the only feature I care about). The camera is nice, but I don't walk around taking pictures with my iPad, I use my iPhone 4s for that. I am very happy with my iPad 2. They didn't even give "the new iPad" a "real name" - maybe because it's not a big enough change??
applechick said:
I have an iPad 2 and I am not upgrading right away. I can't justify spending that much money for a better screen ( the only feature I care about). The camera is nice, but I don't walk around taking pictures with my iPad, I use my iPhone 4s for that. I am very happy with my iPad 2. They didn't even give "the new iPad" a "real name" - maybe because it's not a big enough change??

Ha ha!! ;)

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.1Update From NYC!!! using iPF
I use my ipad2 every single day and keep it with my most of the time. I don't think I would have upgraded to the three. I would probably have waited for the 4 but... My husband wanted my 2 if I upgraded. Seemed silly to just buy another 2 when I could get a 3 for just $100 more and give him my 2. So that is what I did. That is also why my 3 is engraved with, I Love My Husband! This was just his way of helping me justify spending the $ on a 3rd generation. Isn't he great?!
I understand how you feel. I opted out of the iPad 2, since I was still enjoying my original iPad. Didn't really care about camera, could do that on my iPhone. If I had the iPad 2, I wouldn't upgrade. I usually upgrade every other model.

Yes, I felt the same way. Had a 16GB iPad 1. When the iPad 2, it was an easy decision to decide to wait. The improvements on the iPad 2 were nowhere near good enough to upgrade. A year later, my iPad 1 was a little long in the tooth, slow, crashing all the time, and I was always running out of space. After selling the 16GB, it was a no brainer to upgrade to the new iPad. I suspect, I'll keep my new 64GB iPad for two years and upgrade again then.

My husband has the iPad 2 and he has it on Craigslist. If someone pays the price he wants, he'll use the money towards the new iPad. If not, he'll keep it and still be happy with a perfectly functioning iPad. I probably would have done the same if I owned an iPad 2.
I almost didn't get the ipad 1. I waited a week before deciding to get it after it first hit shelves and have been using one ever since. When first using it, it did feel a little bit magical. I didn't expect to use it aside from email and web. But now i use it for lots of things. Pre ipad, i was all pro pc, now i just use my tower for the more graphic intensive stuff. My pc laptop just collects dust now, as the ipad replaces it in spades. I use less electricity as my pc isn't quite on so much.

It's not necessarily about the brand or company who made the ipad, but how well and seamless the device works. That's why android, etc. are still playing catchup even if they may have better tech under the hood. If there was more tech in the ipad 1 debut, most likely the battery duration would suffer. Though i thought they could have done much better with the crappy cam the ipad 2 had, i still got it and sold the 1st gen. If i had only a few uses with the ipad. I would have skipped one or two generations. But now that i can finally create and edit a movie with music on one device, i am all over that upgrade. While voice recognition already has an app for that, integrating it into the ios puts it on a slightly higher level. Soon i'll be able to speak these message posts and cut out a bit of typing.

For the future, there will always be upgrades to warrant a new version of the iPad, but those updates may not happen every year. But a faster and lower power cpu/gpu, more system ram, better camera, more storage, longer battery, and siri are all probable down the road.

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