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The "Useless Information" Thread

Yeah, I have a 23" CRT that I use as my main telly, here it is here in a photo, it is the NEC up top of the console I no longer have

A Commodore 64 a day keeps the Apple II away!


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A few of years ago (5) I went from a 36 inch CRT to a 40 inch LCD and while the LCD itself felt warmer there wasn't near the amount of ventilation on it (hardly any holes on the LCD and i could see everything inside the CRT housing through the venting) so it seems to hold heat better. The whole area around the new one has been much cooler and the ac doesn't run as much. I think the CRT put out tons more heat, it just got into he surrounding area much more efficiently.
Your brain generates 25 watts of power while you’re awake. This amount of energy is enough to illuminate a lightbulb.
The house fly hums in the middle octave key of F.

Really? Mine are out of tune, I must say. Time to get out my tiny little tuning fork.

Late at night, I hear them drinking my good scotch and warning me not to go into the dark. I wonder what that means.

you need to order: Albro T. Gaul's, Sounds Of Insects.

Track listing:

Suburban Sounds (Crickets And Temperature; Crickets Chirp At Slow Speed)
Insect Flight (Inside A Hornet; Pre-Flight Warm-Up; Fatigue Experiment)
Insect Flight (Wing-Beat Vs. Load; Flight-Light Experiment; In A Hornet Nest)
Flying Insects (Mosquitoes; Bumble Bee; May Beetle; Japanese Beetle; Warble-Fly; Flowerfly; European Hornet)
Cicada Warm-Up And Flight (Tent Caterpillar Moth; Underwing Moth; Large Long-Horn Beetle Screaming; Click Beetles)
Wasp Chewing (False Katydid; Cicada Song; Cicada And Plane; Evening Insects)
Longhorn Beetle Walking
Small Longhorn Beetle Shriek
Viceroy Butterfly Walking
Viceroy Butterfly In Flight
Harpalus Beetle Walking
Fly Caught On Flypaper
Underwing Moth Walking
Grape-Leaf Beetle Walking
Dragonfly In Flight
Mud-Dauber Wasp Flight
Crabre Argus (Wasp) In Nest
Hover Fly
Deerfly (Chrysops Niger)
Deerfly (Chrysops Vitatus)
Japanese Beetles On A Rose
Drone Fly (Eristalis)
Bumblebee (Two Toned Flight)
Cicada Song
Spider (Salticus Sp.) Walking
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The worlds oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old.

Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. (I knew there has to be an advantage being right handed. :-))

Yes, in some ways there is. Like writing with a fountain pen. I am left handed and it takes practice to avoid smearing the ink.

Left handed people are proven to be better, any way. You right handed people need to change post haste or you will suffer.:mad: The problem is right handed people can't understand that they are not as good, but I never judge.
I mean :o
There is some truth in your statement but it's a kind of misconceived truth. Like for like CRT is much less energy efficient so a 28" LCD will be more energy efficient than a 28" CRT however, what generally happens is that when folks go from CRT to LCD they increase the size of the screen and at some point a the increase in screen size will outweigh the energy saving. So if you had a 28" CRT and now have a 50" LCD then it's quite possible the LCD will use more energy but that's not really a "like for like" comparison.

The Archangel

I prefer to think of it this way: Not sure how manufacturing enters the picture. Different materials; glass, polymers, polarizers, and chemicals required to make the idiot screens require differing amounts of energy to manufacture, as will the TV/LCD/OLED/CRT. God only knows how to determine overall, which kind of display saves or costs the most energy. There is the TV as well as the manufacturing costs that must be considered. Then there is transportation, dealer prep and options.

So I decided to live a brown life, buy the biggest screen I can afford and forget the savings or lack of savings and just pay the bill. I'll smoke in the TV wing of Bob Manor and laugh at the environment. I be a payin for it, so I be getting it all despite how much the planet hurts and cries.

So HA, HA, Ha!:o
I've always wondered how his music would have evolved over time if he'd had a full career instead of dying in that plane crash.

Me too, I always wonder what it must have been like to be alive back then, hearing him when the music was brand new. It was so different from anything they must have been listening to at the time.

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