There is a camera in the iPad. They just aren't telling us about it.
Yeah they also have a microphone, they have sound and image in same time ;-)
beware iPad is watching you
There is a camera in the iPad. They just aren't telling us about it.
And the nominees for most over-dramatic post on an Ipad forum goes to.....
I'm not for a camera either but my reason is more on the practical side. I think it's an unneccessary add on that takes up space, resources and battery life. A camera can easily be added with solutions that range from linking a cell phone to selling a tiny BT cam that can wirelessly connect. The reality is that cameras are part if our lives but there is a sure way to maintain your privacy, turn the damn thing off! What happened to just turning stuff off? Or closing the laptop? You close the curtains in your bedroom don't you? Common sense people, just use common sense.
i see no need for a camera now or in the future of the ipad unit ..why a camera when it can be used to spy on you.. here is my reason behind the post ..
remember the philly highschool student that got called into the vice principal office and told that he was doing bad behavior in his own room in his own home and he need to stop that why have something that a person could look into your home on the unit a father of my childern that scares the liveing heck out of me for why does the V.P of a school need to spying on my child along with what he doing telling my child about socalled bad behavior in his own room ..
let put to this way .. you have a teenage daughter at home in her room with a webcamera set up on the unit and it sit up for home use for school reports etc etc etc.. ..some guy who is pretty good at hacking is now hacked into the your daughter room and he watching her every movement from her undress to going to bed me that a little creepy ..for iam the father of three girls and i would hate to think that the simple unit that they use for school can be used to spy on them and invade therer privacy and there personal lifes by watching there every move they make or it beening sold online in another country where the legal age for somethings are a lot lower than it here in the states..
plus where does the personal privacy laws start and stop in these matters better not to have a camera in the unit ..and remember Clinton what the V-chip in anything electronic to allow the Government security personal to back door a computer if need be ..
If I had kids, and iPads had cameras, then my kids would be iPad-less. As fas as what has been mentioned how we already have cameras all over metro areas, I personally think it's horsecrap that we have that now and is one of the many reasons I left the big city.
Excuse me in advance , but that’s look like too much paranoid