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TIPS AND TRICKS - for those of us who don't know!

superhoops said:
Ibismail is pretty good, one other plus point is you can set a startup password for security. Downside, and the reason I stopped using it is that the push notifications dont work on the ipad.

For some reason the application keeps shutting itself down.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB
WitchOneSalem said:
For some reason the application keeps shutting itself down.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB

It woks fine on my iPad 3. There may be some compatibility problems with earlier iPads.
I have a neat tip. I don't know if its been mentioned already, but I don't want to have to read through all 96 pgs, so here it is.
Have you ever been listening to music on your iPad, and then put it to sleep, only to have the music keep playing? You actually don't have to unlock the iPad and open the Music app to pause the music, skip tracks, and adjust the volume via the slider. On the lock screen, tap the home screen twice in rapid succession. Near the top of the screen, where the time and date would normally be displayed, you will now see the music player controls.

Goofy :)

Send from my iPad using iPF.net

Don't work for me :(

Edit: IT WORKS! My stupidity…home screen means "button" ;)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Last edited:
WitchOneSalem said:
For some reason the application keeps shutting itself down.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB

I use an application called MAIL.COM. Works great and one can delete or move all the emails at one time.

I hate the SPAM folder so I had to change the settings to disable the SPAM filter.

Kept putting emails that I wanted into the SPAM folder.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB
Hold down the sleep key at the told of the iPad and press the home button to take a screenshot which is added to the samera roll.

** Never mind, someone else posted this... ;)

Know how to take the screenshot , have it in photos but not how to get the email Addie's to send it
Secret iPad Functions
Some of these have been explained before, a few others though, I'm just learning about for the first time. Hopefully others will like to know these steps too.

The interface for the Apple iPad was designed with simplicity in mind, but it has many functions that make its operation more efficient. Apple doesn't supply much literature with its devices to explain these lesser-known functions, but understanding the shortcuts when using an iPad can improve your experience dramatically.
Physically shake your iPad to undo the last action you performed, such as editing text or deleting an email by mistake.

Capital Letters
When typing with the on-screen keyboard, a capital letter can be inserted quickly by holding your finger on the screen after pressing the shift button and sliding it to the letter you wish to capitalize. The keypad will automatically revert to lowercase when you lift your finger off the screen.

Numbers and Special Characters
Instead of repeatedly tapping the button that switches you between the keyboard and the numbers and special characters screen, keep your finger on the screen and slide it to the number or character you wish to insert. The screen will automatically revert to the QWERTY keyboard when you lift your finger off the screen.

Address Bar
When using the Safari web browser, tapping the bar along the top of the screen will jump the browser back to the address bar at the top, so you don't need to scroll back up manually.

The iPad's on-screen keyboard has a button for quickly entering the domain ".com" when typing a web address. Holding this button down brings up a contextual menu allowing you to choose from a list of other domains, such as ".net," ".co.uk," ".org" and more.

When typing, double-tapping the space bar adds a period. This can also be achieved by tapping the space bar with two fingers at the same time.

The Apple iPad is a large-form toucscreen-controlled device similar to the iPhone and iPod Touch and is capable of running more than 50,000 applications available on the iTunes App Store. Its user interface was designed with simplicity and intuitiveness in mind, allowing anyone to easy access its basic functions. There are a lot of shortcuts and operations that aren't widely promoted; knowing the intricacies of iPad operation can make the device far more efficient to use.

iPhone Apps
The iPad is capable of running the vast majority of existing iPhone and iPod touch applications and can scale them to double their normal size to better fit the iPad's larger screen.

Rotation Lock
A small switch on the side of the iPad allows you to lock the screen in its current orientation. This is useful when reading or watching video content, as it prevents the motion sensors from automatically rotating the book or image.

Caps Lock
The keyboard's caps lock feature is turned off by default. To activate it, open the "Settings" application, tap the "General" menu, and enter the "Keyboard" settings. Slide the "Enable Caps Lock" switch to "ON." Double tapping the shift key will now activate caps lock when typing.

If a web page contains a frame with its own scroll bar, sliding two fingers up and down within the frame will scroll its content but keep the rest of the page stationary.

Open New Tab
If you want to open a link in a new tab, tap and hold the link. A contextual menu will pop up, allowing you to either copy the URL or open it in a new page.

To quickly mute the audio, press and hold the volume down button on the side of the iPad.


Sent from my new iPad 3
Secret iPad Functions
Some of these have been explained before, a few others though, I'm just learning about for the first time. Hopefully others will like to know these steps too. . .

Thank you for sharing these. Just a couple of comments and clarifications to add, because I'm in a nit-picky mood. ;)

Capital Letters
When typing with the on-screen keyboard, a capital letter can be inserted quickly by holding your finger on the screen after pressing the shift button and sliding it to the letter you wish to capitalize. The keypad will automatically revert to lowercase when you lift your finger off the screen.

While this one works, it's not much of much use. Taping the shift key once turns the arrow blue and only the next letter tapped will be capitalized. Dragging your finger does the same thing for more effort.

To type many caps in a row, you can hold the shift key and continue typing, which is inconvenient at best. YouR tip about enabiling Caps Lock fixes this. You can tell which mode the shift key is in by the way it highlights. A blue arrow means only the next letter will be capitalized (unless you hold it). Caps lock is indicated by the entire key turning blue, and the arrow white.
Just discovered this one, which is specific to iPF. If you are trying to type, and being confounded by smileys, you can disable them. This is particularly useful if you are trying to type a JavaScript string. Here's how to do it. Using the website view, Go Advanced and check "Disable smilies in text". Now your text will appear as you type it.

Just discovered this one, which is specific to iPF. If you are trying to type, and being confounded by smileys, you can disable them. This is particularly useful if you are trying to type a JavaScript string. Here's how to do it. Using the website view, Go Advanced and check "Disable smilies in text". Now your text will appear as you type it.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=28112"/>

Actually, that works on any vBulletin based forum, and is a very useful tip especially if you use apps like Tapatalk or Forum Runner that don't allow disabling smilies on a per post basis :)
I like to use portrait mode because the keys are smaller and thus closer together.

That allows one hand peckers like me to not have to travel so far.

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