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TUTORIAL - Jailbreak the iPad2 and iPad3 on 5.1.1 With Absinthe 2.0

Been busy and not looking forward to a 55GB restore. My comic collection and apps are all just right......

Not seeing how it would work, so weary. Might try tomorrow though.
Update: Trying to jailbreak with only 2. 4GB free on a 64GB iPad 3 resulted in an error after about 60 minutes. The blue bar did move once from original position, but process stopped due to an error.

So many comics and apps to reinstall if starting from scratch. Comics take a long time, so need review if worth it or not.

Apathy s
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Transfer Purchases to iTunes
Back Up
Restore in DFU to 5.1.1
Restore backup and sync. ( i know it takes a while, but it gets a clean jb)
Absinthe 2.0.4 has been released to support jail breaking the iPad2,4.

Now ALL versions of iPads running OS 5.1.1 can be jail broken.

So, what are you waiting for? Go "get 'er done"! :D

I always used to jailbreak my previous iOS devices! Today I jailbreaked my iPad3 and it got completely messed!
Too slow, too buggy, I lost my 3G connection! Restored back, not doing it again, anyway don't need it that much!

Sent from my iPad3 using Tapatalk HD
I've tried jailbreaking my device twice running the iOS 5.1.1 but during the second stage absinthe has been freezing after what I assume to be the second stage and widows just says that the program is no longer responding and it crashes. Anyone else have this issue or a solution? Thank you!
solidcat said:
I've tried jailbreaking my device twice running the iOS 5.1.1 but during the second stage absinthe has been freezing after what I assume to be the second stage and widows just says that the program is no longer responding and it crashes. Anyone else have this issue or a solution? Thank you!

Yes, what version of absinthe are you using. Latest is 2.04
I've had that happen early when I had large files on it. You may want delete as much as possible or if you have to, upgrade to a empty fresh copy of 5.1.1 from DFU then jailbreak. Then restore.
Yes, what version of absinthe are you using. Latest is 2.04
I've had that happen early when I had large files on it. You may want delete as much as possible or if you have to, upgrade to a empty fresh copy of 5.1.1 from DFU then jailbreak. Then restore.

That's exactly what I did, restored to fresh 5.1.1 and then applied the Jailbreak!

Sent from my iPad3 using Tapatalk HD
Mikekan said:
That's exactly what I did, restored to fresh 5.1.1 and then applied the Jailbreak!

Sent from my iPad3 using Tapatalk HD

Make sure you have a fresh iTunes backup with no password on the backup. Absinthe Complained about my password at one time. Also shut down the windows firewall and any anti virus. Run absinthe in windows XP setting on the file.
I have an iPad 2,1 on iOS 5.1.1. I have been trying to jailbreak it with Absinthe 2.0.4 (Mac). I say trying because so far it's been unsuccessful. It goes through several steps like sending initial jailbreak data, sending final jailbreak data, waiting for reboot. This is where it stops waiting for reboot. I have tried the reset and erase all. Then retried the jailbreak. Still waiting for reboot. I have tried this several times. I even tried forcing a reboot both tethered and untethered. It looks more encouraging while tethered. It reboots and looks like its going to work then I get a message saying something like could not connect to lockdownd device. Error-5. What's wrong. Why won't his work. I was previously jailbroken on 5.0.1. I am missing the JB.
The best thing I can recommend is to go back to the very beginning and start again. Install a fresh, stock iOS 5.1.1 on your iPad. Do not put your backup on, restore from new. Then, jail break the iPad using the latest Absinthe software.

Sorry to not be of better help.

I have jailbreaked my iPad 3 for the very first time, with no problems. But I do have one question.

If I use iTunes to manage my iPad and want to make a backup via iTunes, will the stock rom be overwritten by the new jailbreaked iPad apps?
About Cydia, is it possible in Cydia to remember my account so I don't have to login each time I want to buy apps?

Another ting, if I go in App store from iPad and want to see what I have purchased I can't login anymore, why or is that normally from now on, when iPads are jailbreaked?

(sorry for my English)


Sent from my iPad 3 WiFi/3G 64 GB Black using iPF
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I have jailbreaked my iPad 3 for the very first time, with no problems. But I do have one question.

If I use iTunes to manage my iPad and want to make a backup via iTunes, will the stock rom be overwritten by the new jailbreaked iPad apps?

No, iTunes doesn't mess with the jail break tweaks from Cydia. All it does is back up the apps you buy from the App Store. To backup the Cydia tweaks, you have to get a backup tweak such as PKGBackup. So, you'll have two backups - one for stock apps and one for jail break tweaks...

About Cydia, is it possible in Cydia to remember my account so I don't have to login each time I want to buy apps?

Unfortunately, no, there isn't. It'll remember you only for that one session. Yeah, it's annoying, but that's the way saurik designed it.

Another ting, if I go in App store from iPad and want to see what I have purchased I can't login anymore, why or is that normally from now on, when iPads are jailbreaked?

Huh. Now this could be a potential problem, because being jail broken in no way messes with going to the App Store and looking at your purchased apps. Have you tried logging out and then back in to the App Store? As far as the App Store and iTunes are concerned, they should work just fine. They both just "ignore" the fact that you are jail broken and work as if you are stock. So, try to re-log in. Let us know if that problem gets fixed...?

Hope some of this reassures.


And, are you kidding - "sorry for my English"? Your post was better written than most here! Others should take lessons from you. :)
Hi Mickey330

Thank you very much for your answer to my questions. :)
I don't have that problem with sign in, in App Store anymore. What I did ? Don't know.... It works fine now, so I can see the apps I have purchased.
The only thing I did after installing Cydia was, plug in the power cable, and went for work. Strange behaviordde0a

Ps. Thank you for letting know my English not that bad :)

All I have to do know is to find out how Cydia is working, and find great apps too.


Sent from my iPad 3 WiFi/3G 64 GB Black using iPF
I successfully jailbreak my iPad 3,1 and it showing Cydia.
But when i am installing Apps from iTunes my iPad show 'Apps Name' failed to install.

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