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Ultimate List of Jailbreak Tweaks

The only problem I have with the current jailbreak for iPad 1 is no more iBooks. iBooks does not work with 5.0.1 JB. Still waiting for some one to figure that out or maybe an alternative to iBooks for now...anyway...thanks
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addiosamigo said:
If it uses USB power then just get a USB split cable, one end plugs into the iPad, one end plugs into the iPad plug and the other plugs into the hard drive, that's what I do.

Where can I get one of these 3-ended cables?
andrewak said:
Try this how-to No external links please! Read the rules.

Some more info in this thread

How-to I mentioned above(hope the author forgive me for no link, I've tried):

For the benefit of this tutorial, you’ll need iFile, a Cydia app available at the BigBoss repo. It is a paid app, but is very useful and well worth the purchase.

Step 1: Firstly, you’ll need to uninstall iBooks completely. Once that’s done, head over to the App Store and re-download. Make sure you don’t open the app just yet – we need to apply the fixes first!

Step 2: Open up iFile, copy the iBooks.app file from /var/mobile/Applications/ (whichever folder iBooks resides in) and move it to /Applications. If you only have a small number of non-stock apps installed on your device, you can exercise a little trial and error in locating the iBooks folder. If you’re an app fanatic, though, you should use SBSettings to discover exactly where iBooks resides amongst the fray of nonsensical numbers and letters.

Step 3: Select the Info.plist located in your newly-created iBooks folder and opt for the property list editor. Hit CFBundleIdentifier and rename com.apple.iBooks to com.apple.iBooksFix.

Step 4: Exit iFile and perform a respring.

Step 5: You will now have two iBooks icons on your springboard. One will be rounded in classic iOS fashion, and the other will be square – sticking out like a sore thumb. Sadly, you’ll need to delete the rounded one. If you’re particular about the evenness of your springboard, you should either hide iBooks away in a folder or manually edit the .png file by SSHing into your device with an app like DiskAid or iFunbox.

Unfortunately, although the fix allows you to read books on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, the iBookstore will not work – i.e you cannot purchase books nor sync with iTunes. Therefore, you need to take the manual route in order to add new books to your iBooks roster.

Step 6: Open iFile and select the Wi-Fi icon located second from the left at the bottom of your screen.

Step 7: On your PC or Mac, open up your favorite browser. In the address bar, tap in http://iphone.local:10000/ and locate var/mobile/Documents.

Step 8: By hitting the ‘Choose File’ button, you’ll be able to locate your local .epub (iBooks format) files and manually sync them to your device by clicking ‘Upload’.

Step 9: Finally, head back to var/mobile/Documents, and by tapping any of your uploaded .epub files, you will be able to view them in iBooks!

As we’ve said, it’s not exactly a perfect remedy, but it’s better than nothing, and will more than tide you over until a proper fix surfaces!
I could not find Lockdown Pro in this thread. Paid app, and it does not seem to be working on my freshly jailbroken iPad 2 5.0.1.

Edit: Got Applocker instead, locks my folders just fine.
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I think Bigify+ (paid tweak) should be added too. Working fine on jailbroken 5.0.1 iPad 2.
What it can do; costomize the icons to different shapes/colors.
2. Overboard
3. Locktopus
4. Lockdown Pro
5. barrel [Some transitions only...make the homescreen (winterboard) act weirdly]
6. Remove background [Removes all active apps in background]..installing but not working..

Most of the time when u download these tweaks the springboard keeps asking you to go into SAFE MODE or RESTART..as a result u have to remove them from cydia in the end!

Some say RB is working..i dont know..when i press the REMOVE BACKGROUND icon in the sbsettings my iPAD just resprings and no apps are closed..and it tell me to restart or keep using in safe mode!
Intelliscreenx needs to be added to the list, I've only had it for about 30 minutes and already love it!

Kudos to intelliborn for making such an excellent tweak - inteliscreenx is what notification center should have been in the first place.
Like most everybody else, I am really enjoying my iPad 2 this week.

Since my favorite from 4.3.3, 5-row keyboard, has not made the transition to iOS 5, I tried Black Keyboard since it was (on this page) listed as compatible with iOS 5.

On Cydia, there is a note that it is NOT compatible, but now that I am SBSetting safe mode capable and SSH'd, I decided to give it a shot based on what I read here. It worked in some instances, but in others, it reverted back to the gray, sometimes mid-stream (like when hitting the shift key).

Are there any tricks I can do to get it black full time, or do I just need to wait until it's updated for iOS 5? If that happens, how do I upgrade, just go back to it's page on Cydia and it will offer me an update?
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Just to give everyone some comfort, I am not ignoring the comments. With the release of the iPad2 5.0.1 JB things as 1) busy :D, and 2) more complex as regards this list. :)

I am currently thinking about how to better structure the first post so we can show compatability more effectively as now we are beginning to have to deal with tweaks that are "IOS 5.x Only" as well as tweaks that are not yet 5.x compatible.

Bear with me. I'll hopefully update it by the weekend...
Just to be clear, my post was in NO way an indictment or criticism of the list...I speak for all of us when I say we're all very lucky to have you, and the tireless work you do for complete strangers.

I was just looking for someone who may have some insight on the tweak itself, or the update process.
Hi I'm new to this forum and i just Jailbreak my ipad2 running on 5.01. which app can i download games from like [Moderator edit: Removed mention of piracy app.] from iphone. Thanks!
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Hi I'm new to this forum and i just Jailbreak my ipad2 running on 5.01. which app can i download games from like [Moderator edit: Removed mention of piracy app.] from iphone. Thanks!

Well, since you're new and all ....

Maybe you should take a moment to read our rules! Your first post here is to come in and ask about an app so you can steal?! Seriously!

This forum does not condone piracy. Not only is is against our rules, it's illegal. Don't be a pirate!

Oh, and you're not going to get an answer here.

You know, I'm new here also. And I really enjoyed seeing someone get reamed for posting about a pirating app. This is the place for the benefits of jailbreaking, not pirating. We're not stealing here, we're simply tweaking things a little. What a douche.

Way to go Moderator for putting scum in its place. In my eyes, it looks much better for the website when I see things like that. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
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