iRager said:Belfry - Free tweak from cydia which adds clock, compass, stocks, weather, calculator and voice memos to your iPad
RudyL90 said:I have tried that one yesterday, but it made my iPad act funny. First it had a respring loop, it didn't stop respringing so I had to do a hard reset.
After the reset it became a big iPhone; no landscape view only portrait, smaller icons, SBSettings iPhone size. Then I resprung (resprang?) it again, and the iPhone Apps were there. It took me 15 minutes to get it to work on my iPad2, but maybe my iPad is just weird.
But after succesfull installation I discovered that these apps are iPhone size, so no fullscreen for iPad. And it is not possible to put the weather all in notification center; for me a reason to directly deinstall the tweak...
GroovyJT said:The only problem I have with the current jailbreak for iPad 1 is no more iBooks. iBooks does not work with 5.0.1 JB. Still waiting for some one to figure that out or maybe an alternative to iBooks for now...anyway...thanks
iRuthlessPad said:1. gRAVIBOARD
2. Overboard
3. Locktopus
4. Lockdown Pro
5. barrel [Some transitions only...make the homescreen (winterboard) act weirdly]
6. Remove background [Removes all active apps in background]..installing but not working..
Most of the time when u download these tweaks the springboard keeps asking you to go into SAFE MODE or a result u have to remove them from cydia in the end!
Some say RB is working..i dont know..when i press the REMOVE BACKGROUND icon in the sbsettings my iPAD just resprings and no apps are closed..and it tell me to restart or keep using in safe mode!
RudyL90 said:I am searching for a tweak in which you can change the number of rows and column of apps. I already know Iconoclasm, there was another one...
f4780y said:Springtomize2 also has these features, although being a user of Iconoclasm, I am not sure how well they work on 5.0.1 as I've never tried those settings out.
UPDATE - I just tested them out and nothing much seems to happen![]()
glassheart said:Black keyboard is not consistent when shofting from letters to numbers... Always going back to white keyboard
Black keyboard is not consistent when shofting from letters to numbers... Always going back to white keyboard