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USB recognition problem after iOS5 update on iPad1


iPF Noob
Tried a search but couldn't find any reference to this.

Upgraded my iPad1 to iOS5 yesterday - took 12 hours all told. Upgrade seemed to go smoothly but the restore was really fraught. Anyway most seems to be working OK apart for some lost free books but I now have to reboot the iPad every time I plug it in the PC USB port.

When I first plug it in Windows XP reports there is a problem and it is not recognised. If I leave it plugged in and force a reboot on the iPad it is recognised and all works OK until next time.

Also even when the PC recognised the iPad is plugged in a USB port the new version of iTunes doesn't start up automatically. It acts as though there should be some sort of driver which is missing.

Any thoughts on what the problem may be as I never had this problem with any iOS4 updates.
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After a bit more research I found mention of the same problem on apple.com


It appears that iTunes 10.5 doesn't seem to be handling USB hubs properly. Where there were no problems before the iOS / iTunes updates now we may have to plug the iPad cable straight in one of the computer's USB ports. I tried one of the front mounted ones in my PC and XP recognised the iPad straight away. iTunes still didn't start up automatically but it is better than having to reboot the iPad every time.

John the Grimbarian.
I hope you managed to get the problem solved OK razputin.

This morning I plugged my iPhone4 (still on iOS 4.3.5) in the USB hub and it was recognised so it looks to me to be more of an iOS5 problem than an iTunes 10.5 glitch.
Yes, I am using the USB port on the motherboard rather than via a hub (Dell LCD), but I will randomly try connecting it to my monitor to see if it works. I have been experiencing random loss of wi-fi since day one with my iPad 1 so I am used to features coming and going...
I'm a new iPad user and have just joined the forumm. It has been of great value already as I also have had this problem and was just about to go down the troubleshooting path (disable drivers etc) I did resolve myself by plugging into PC USB, but gave me a real problem initially installing IOS 5. It does also work if plugged into USB at the front of my Dell. No problems at all with my iPod. Apple should fix this as matter of urgency considering many will be updating to the new IOS

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