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We need a 7 inch Ipad

I don't know where these sales figures come from that give Android a lead over iOS devices. Current figures are iPads outselling all Android devices two to one.

On the iPhone front, Android holds 9% market share compared to 17% for iPhone and 18% for RIM.

The sensationalism comes from sales growth reports, not sales reports.

When someone reports that Android sales were up 159% compared to iPhone sales up only 11% the numbers sound like Android is winning. In reality the sales numbers are so small that Android devices would need to see 3000% growth in order to just match iPhone sales. Percent growth is a very misleading number when you are comparing small total sales numbers to large total sales numbers.

Apple is clearly the market leader in both spaces at this time, and have predominantly made the right decisions on their product offerings. Time will tell if this continues, but for now they are doing just fine - even without a 7" iPad.

The picture is a 3D iPad. It's supposed to have depth of field going into the background, not out.

Sent from my iPad 32/3G using iPF
bit motivated by their pockets instead of their wanting to please us

The PURPOSE of ALL corporations is to make money. Hopefully, the METHOD employed to meet the purpose is to please us. I don't see these two motivations as exclusive.

When a corporation meets peoples expectations and desires the filling of the pockets with huge profits usually takes care of itself. Look at Apple quarterly figures for examples. With every "whim" that a few may demand comes trade offs. If Apple changed its methodology to please a vast minority it would chance losing the majority that are at least content with the product as is.
In 2 years we can have this conversation again with a probable different set of numbers but right now Apple is The big dog in the pack and is suing everyone else for everything but the sunrise over South Korea (I wonder how much we the consumer are having tacked onto the price of our ipad to pay lawyer fees to stop the Tab from launching in Europe and Australia? I guarantee they ain't eating it from their profits) to ensure it remains so on top of its large head start in the tablet world and an os that is clearly desirable to the masses.

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Thank you all for your input. I waited till now to respond because I wanted to see everyone's replies. I see my wording of my op upset a few of you. let me clarify. I would like a 7 inch ipad :) I find the size for my needs to be more useful the 10 inch for me is too big. it just becomes uncomfortable after a while of tring to hold it. and you look kinda silly walking around or tring to drive with a 12 inch block as a nav tool. LOL.

The phones are too small I have larger fingers and the tiny 3 and 4 inch screens just don't cut it typing is heck on them.

Several of you pointed to the playbook as an example of why 7 inch tabs fail..... NO it is failing because of its software not its size the software sucks unless your a blackberry fan.

The 7 inch samsung has done well again because of its software.

I also said in my op that apple was losing ground. let me clarify my statement.

as an individual yes no other tab can touch the sales numbers of the ipad. but as a whole android has all ready taken over the top spot in the phone os market and is not to far from being top dog in the tab market as well.

Reason I believe is variety.

Dont get me wrong I am not attacking apple products I own them too.

Just I feel some of apples "choices" they give us are a bit motivated by their pockets instead of their wanting to please us.

Main gripe no sd card slot. They force us to pay hundreds more for a few bucks worth of ram. giving those of us who want more room no choice but to buy over priced higher capacity ipads. where android gives thier customers sd card slots so they can have the same and even more memory for a few bucks compared to hundreds.

anyway like I said at first I would just like a 7 inch ipad with an sdcard slot and usb. and I just think that once it would get out it would sell just fine.

again thank you all for your input to my first post on the forums.

Harlaquin: I get what you're saying. As for me, I'm sort of along the spectrum of you with some differences. First and foremost, I love my iPad and anyone who knows me knows it's "they'd have to pry it out of my dead, cold hands" type of deal. In terms of viewing videos, YouTube, etc, it rocks in size. It's great as an e-reader too, but then e-reading is what has put me in the same boat as you. I ended up getting recently a Pandigital Nova, which runs Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). It's not an iPad (or Honeycomb tablet) rival, but it does a great general job, and for me, I wanted a 7" reader with just a little "extras" (because I just like gadgety things). While it's not like your 7" Galaxy, it's called both a tablet and e-reader. I do a lot of my reading in the later evening in bed before going to sleep, anywhere from 1/2 to 1 hour at a time, holding it up. It gets tiring with the iPad. That's why I have the Nova as a companion. It's only 4MB internal, but has a mini SD slot so I can store a lot of books and free apps. I don't intend to buy any apps as I have a huge investment in paid iOS apps, having both an iPad and iPhone. I wanted a decent internet browser because sometimes as I'm reading a book, there's a hyperlink, or something I'm reading sparks an interest and I want to be able to quickly look something up, and the Nova lets me do this, and it really is also a tablet experience too-it even has front and rear facing cameras. Apple certainly does not make any sort of 7" reader, so I couldn't go with an Apple device, not to mention I did not want it to cost a fortune anyway, since it's a companion and supplement mostly for the e-reader. But I love the screen size of the iPad and no argument there. iOS is hands down my primary system, but yes, I do now use an Android product as well now. I don't have it hacked so it doesn't access the Android Market, but it can side load apps like Kindle. So, bottom line, I can be my same iOS aficionado with the Nova.
A couple of points. I think no one would dispute that the 10" form factor is the "sweet spot" for most consumers. True, there are those who prefer a smaller device and a few who feel a 23" iPad would suit them just fine. But the huge sales of the iPad as well as the fact that so many other tablets have adopted the same screen size testifies to the fact that it's the optimal choice.

So why not introduce an iPad "Junior" to take advantage of the market niche that would prefer a smaller form factor? Several reasons.

() Design and manufacturing is not free. The introduction of a new form factor would mean a significant investment on Apple's part, especially since the form factor determines (and limits) many of the other hardware choices. To justify that investment Apple would have to believe that additional sales would justify it.

() And that's doubtful. A certain percentage of those who would prefer a smaller screen will buy a 10" iPad. So those folks "don't count." The only sales that count are those who will purchase a 7" iPad but not a 10" device.

() Furthermore, the cost of design and manufacturing for a 7" model would have to be significantly less than the 10" model. Otherwise, the smaller iPad would have to priced at nearly the same level as the 10" model. And that isn't a realistic marketing plan.

() So let's say that Apple could price the 7" iPad for $100 less than the 10" model. Would that attract buyers who won't purchase the 10" iPad or simply reduce the demand for the 10" model? If it's the latter, Apple would be crazy to provide the choice. And there's absolutely no guarantee that the price difference would be even close to $100. At, say, a $50 difference how many consumers would opt for the smaller form factor? Not many I'd guess.

The bottom line is that successful product management consists of covering the broadest possible market with the fewest different products. Another manufacturer may find it profitable to appeal to a niche market but Apple is unlikely to see that niche as a significant profit generator.
We need,they need... Who needs ? Not me. I had a eye killing small android and came to iPad because it has normal screensize for a tablet. You need ? Well, go ahead, uae your android, whats the problem ?

Sent from Tommy's iPad2 using iPF
It's all opinion.

If apple makes a 7 inch, would it be worth it for them? How many people would buy it?
I think a poll should be added to this thread. :)
Blackbelt said:
No you don't . Just look at the disastrous blackberry play book.

With all due respect, I don't think the demise of the BB playbook was because of its size but rather its horrible UI.
I've been a pc user, and then an android user. I was very close to buying the bb playbook, but there was a few things I'd like the larger screen for. I also tried out the xoom, liked the ad card option coming on the xoom, but the weight of the xoom was significantly more than the ipad2.

I am happy with my choice and the size of the iPad 2.
I've been a pc user, and then an android user. I was very close to buying the bb playbook, but there was a few things I'd like the larger screen for. I also tried out the xoom, liked the ad card option coming on the xoom, but the weight of the xoom was significantly more than the ipad2.

I am happy with my choice and the size of the iPad 2.

Wild guess here:
You are a DJ in Cleveland? :D

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