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We need a 7 inch Ipad

info said:
That this will happen is pretty obvious... no?

I'm not as certain, Apple have a (pleasant) habit of always surprising me.........the flavoured (coloured) iMacs, the G4 cube, the clamshell laptops, iPods, iPhone, MacBook Air and the iPad. I'm kind of always expecting the unexpected.

The Archangel
the 10 inch ipad is just to big to lug around everyday

I myself don't think so; I have my iPad 2 protected in a leather folder case and I take it out and about in a padded targus netbook carrying bag. I take it to work with me every day.

I like small gadgets but if you ever saw the size of my paws you'd wonder how I browse the iPad.

Cheers, Dan
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info said:
That this will happen is pretty obvious... no?

I'm not as certain, Apple have a (pleasant) habit of always surprising me.........the flavoured (coloured) iMacs, the G4 cube, the clamshell laptops, iPods, iPhone, MacBook Air and the iPad. I'm kind of always expecting the unexpected.

The Archangel
Well, no matter what the future brings, as long as it's pleasant, I'm sure that we will all be happy. :)
info said:
Well, no matter what the future brings, as long as it's pleasant, I'm sure that we will all be happy. :)

Actually, I'm thinking I need a 60" MacPad Pro to mount on the wall and double as a touchscreen TV........then I'll be happy!

The Archangel
Now that might sound crazy, but just look at a 20" LCD monitor. You wouldn't hold it with one hand, but on your lap or holding with both hands, that would be pretty cool.

Although the larger size would make for a pleasant surfing/working experience, if the thinness and lightness were maintained, it would make for a much more fragile device which in my mind
I would envision it being more easily damaged the larger you go.

I think the ipad's size is perfect. Not too small, not too big.
I think we need a smaller one than 7" that can double as a "pill cameara" so when my stomach hurts I can swallow it and see what ails me.:p
I just talked a buddy out of buying a Playbook for largely this reason ! If you want a small portable device use a smart phone. The iPad was designed with portability and maximum functionality in mind and anything smaller than the current dimensions would simply make it a large phone ... to large to get into a pocket and too small for many of the iPads current applications.

Sometimes size does matter !
I just talked a buddy out of buying a Playbook for largely this reason ! If you want a small portable device use a smart phone. The iPad was designed with portability and maximum functionality in mind and anything smaller than the current dimensions would simply make it a large phone ... to large to get into a pocket and too small for many of the iPads current applications.

Sometimes size does matter !

I agree.
Didn't Mr Jobs already say there would be no 7" iPad because the form factor was "dead on arrival"?

I thought he was right until I got my Blackberry Playbook. Turns out it's a great size for on the go.

- Posted with TapaTalk for iPhone
Didn't Mr Jobs already say there would be no 7" iPad because the form factor was "dead on arrival"?

I thought he was right until I got my Blackberry Playbook. Turns out it's a great size for on the go.

- Posted with TapaTalk for iPhone

Squinting at webpages and it doesn't even fit in your pocket. :D
Thank you all for your input. I waited till now to respond because I wanted to see everyone's replies. I see my wording of my op upset a few of you. let me clarify. I would like a 7 inch ipad :) I find the size for my needs to be more useful the 10 inch for me is too big. it just becomes uncomfortable after a while of tring to hold it. and you look kinda silly walking around or tring to drive with a 12 inch block as a nav tool. LOL.

The phones are too small I have larger fingers and the tiny 3 and 4 inch screens just don't cut it typing is heck on them.

Several of you pointed to the playbook as an example of why 7 inch tabs fail..... NO it is failing because of its software not its size the software sucks unless your a blackberry fan.

The 7 inch samsung has done well again because of its software.

I also said in my op that apple was losing ground. let me clarify my statement.

as an individual yes no other tab can touch the sales numbers of the ipad. but as a whole android has all ready taken over the top spot in the phone os market and is not to far from being top dog in the tab market as well.

Reason I believe is variety.

Dont get me wrong I am not attacking apple products I own them too.

Just I feel some of apples "choices" they give us are a bit motivated by their pockets instead of their wanting to please us.

Main gripe no sd card slot. They force us to pay hundreds more for a few bucks worth of ram. giving those of us who want more room no choice but to buy over priced higher capacity ipads. where android gives thier customers sd card slots so they can have the same and even more memory for a few bucks compared to hundreds.

anyway like I said at first I would just like a 7 inch ipad with an sdcard slot and usb. and I just think that once it would get out it would sell just fine.

again thank you all for your input to my first post on the forums.
bit motivated by their pockets instead of their wanting to please us

The PURPOSE of ALL corporations is to make money. Hopefully, the METHOD employed to meet the purpose is to please us. I don't see these two motivations as exclusive.

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