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Did you see Steve Jobs in the latest video? He was playing FD Rooseveldt. He looked like he was having fun!

Sent from my new iPad using iPF
Gloomy and cloudy!!! I went to the Apple store on 14th street in the meat packing district. Checked out iPad was not impressed. Camera looked better. Couldn't test the 4G; will have to go to the Verizon store for that I guess.

Sent from my Tricked Out Glittery Verizon Black 32GB iPhone 4 Tethered to iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF
It's overcast, and getting colder here. It rained last night. We are off to a BBQ, which is now an indoors buffet, this afternoon.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Ha ha. Don't you just love indoor BBQ's? Cantankerous old English weather.

Sent from my new iPad using iPF
Noticed today that the ice on the lakes is starting to break up and disappear. Spring is definitely here.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
Just thought I'd tell you all that yesterday was a beautiful day in Somerset. We went to Tyntesfield which is a National Trust building. We went into the walled veg garden and I had to take off my coat it was so hot. We had a lovely picnic by the car!
Unfortunately, being England, it is not so nice today. Hubby just informed me that they had a tractor pull him into the North Somerset fairground due to the rain and mud. Hope he has a good day! I'm on my own again. Great Bank holiday Monday, spending it without the other half. Sigh!

Sent from my new iPad using iPF


Tyntesfield and gardens in the sunshine
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Would love to see these buildings Hayles, that's just gorgeous..

Do they allow you in the building itself? Would love to go exploring there!
Yes, you can go in but we got there too late yesterday(long story - daughter!!!!). Very popular on long bank holiday weekend so will go when hubby goes again. You can't photograph in there if I'm to mistaken. The flash on modern cameras are too bright for most National Trust buildings. I'll post some more photos on the architecture thread if you like.

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