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Ski-- what happened to the sun and warm weather that was predicted?!?

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mollysmom said:
Ski-- what happened to the sun and warm weather that was predicted?!?

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I don't know Molly-but i feel that we need a refund on this weather!

We need our Aussie friends to send a little sun and warmth here!! My fingers are freezing just typing this -lol!!
Rather overcast here today but hopefully no rain. Lovely and warm in the sun!

Blowing some your way!
Perfect day here today. Maybe you Michiganders will have a good day tomorrow. So far predictions are for rain to move in for us tomorrow.

Rather overcast here today but hopefully no rain. Lovely and warm in the sun!

Blowing some your way!

Hopefully we get it..suppose to be 80F tomorrow...keeping my fingers crossed!

Perfect day here today. Maybe you Michiganders will have a good day tomorrow. So far predictions are for rain to move in for us tomorrow.

View attachment 14906

We hope so Michigan and Illinois!!
Well Ski, it got a little warmer, but its so damp, I'm starting to mildew.

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Well Ski, it got a little warmer, but its so damp, I'm starting to mildew.

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Tell me-I think my hair turned into a Chia Pet with all this dampness. The sun is finally popping put, but it keeps looking like it will rain! Do you have any flower gardens? My Delphina perennials are already ~ 10 inches high which is very unusual. They usual start to come up in June! Crazy weather!
I don't -- I wish I did, but the grounds around my condo have horrible fill. Glass, clay, rocks...yuck
You're so lucky you have flower beds to enjoy. :)

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Oh too bad, Molly! I use to live in a Condo and they had strict rules what could grow there-very hard to live with those restrictions!

I'll grow some balloon flowers and hot peppers for you!!
Woo hoo! I love flowers! Rules--arghhhh We can't even have bird feeders anymore. I miss my chickadees. :-(

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Oh, that's really restrictive. We had our maintenance fee increase significantly within the 5 years I live there-a monthly fee that could have paid for a nice sports car payment! I bailed, fortunately, I sold quickly and before the real estate bubble burst.
You were smart. I've thought of getting out, but the thought of moving....ugh

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