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The wind is still howling outside by bedroom window. Hope it clears up.

Sent from my fantastically, wonderful iPhone using iPF
It's calm, drying out and a nice sunrise to boot. I can start putting up a screen fence to keep the foxes out of our garden.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Sunny today but it seems to be very cold out.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF.net
It's rainy here in Michigan--we had the sun yesterday, but now it's gone! However...it's suppose to be 80F by Wednesday!!
skimonkey said:
It's rainy here in Michigan--we had the sun yesterday, but now it's gone! However...it's suppose to be 80F by Wednesday!!

I think that the sun came over here instead!

The Archangel
Yes, you are right Gab. We had sun over here too. Lovely day.

Sent from my fantastically, wonderful iPhone using iPF
Hayles66 said:
Yes, you are right Gab. We had sun over here too. Lovely day.

Sent from my fantastically, wonderful iPhone using iPF

I just looked outside and it's clouding over and just starting to drizzle!

The Archangel
Oh great. Thanks. Cloudy. No rain yet though.

Sent from my fantastically, wonderful iPhone using iPF
Hope so too Skimonkey, weather is awful atm here, i can hear the rain outside my window

RIP Steve Jobs 
Good karma said:
Hope so too Skimonkey, weather is awful atm here, i can hear the rain outside my window

RIP Steve Jobs 

Well good karma...I looked out my window...more rain!!
It rained a lot overnight and reduced throughout the morning. Late morning till now it's nice and sunny with some cloud. Around.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

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