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What are the Benefits of jailbreaking?

Hi Dave, you made a clear resume of the situation , but you forgot the point noticed in the post bellow … many people will say : "Hello i have JB my iPad , i see cydia but i can’t find any interesting app’s “

That’s the first … the second is you can’t deny play in SSH is not that safe at all

let me give you my example: I use my personal iPad (we have many) for working when i am outside (witch is 40 >50% of my time) i complain i can’t bring file in my device don’t be recognize by app’s inside: Like The C.A.D file , or INDD …. even i know well how play JB, i didn’t take the risk, of course it’s a my choice but it’s a reasonable choice …

The digital file in the Era of today it’s look like easy to play with … but only if you have the level for and if you know clearly the risk and advantage

I agree with some of what you are saying here I suppose. If you don't have any reason to jailbreak (the example of not seeing any interesting Cydia apps) then it is probably not something to do. Then again, if you have never applied a jailbreak you quite possibly don't know what is out there anyhow. There may be some wonderful applications that would open up your device for you. If you hate the jailbreak a simple restore is all it takes to get rid of it. I don't see that much risk involved, particularly if there are no baseband issues to deal with (Ipad 3G owners that quite possibly applies to you).

As far as the dangers of SSHing into your device, I don't really see it. Sure, you might screw something up, so what? A simple restore will take care of things. You can't edit the bootloader files to really mess things up, and most jailbreak users probably don't spend much time directly accessing the file system in the first place. I think more people should, but then again I am an engineer and breaking things and then getting them working again is some perverse idea of fun to me.

Maybe it is a generational thing. I was playing with computer file systems back when it was considered a perfectly healthy thing to do. It lead me to some wonderfully fulfilling things like having code integrated into open source software that is still in use today (quite possibly even buried somewhere in OSX ...). I'm glad I didn't have people trying to scare me away from such endeavors back then and I won't be the one to do it today.
n3, is "iFile" which lets you have full access to the file system. That way if you also have the USB/SD card dongles you can access files directly on USB sticks and play/view/whatever them.


i basically want to be able to take a set of updated info from the library and dvd programs files along with the updated parts of the kitchen pantry program files load this updated files onto a small SD card then take to another ipad that been jailbroken and be able to load the updated info saight onto the ipad without useing a computer at all..just the camera connection SD card unit

basically i will never have the this one connected to any type of computer in the first place for it the master inventory control program for the house for ins reason ..

so far as everyone has told me when called them and asked them about doing something like this with a application they told you can not do it without connecting to itunes and uploading the files first to itunes then downloading them to the other ipad to me that stupid when you should be able to transfeer basic info files from a sd card saight into the program from the sd card unit without haveing to sit down and basically manually to have to all the work by hand at times..
n3, is "iFile" which lets you have full access to the file system. That way if you also have the USB/SD card dongles you can access files directly on USB sticks and play/view/whatever them.


i basically want to be able to take a set of updated info from the library and dvd programs files along with the updated parts of the kitchen pantry program files load this updated files onto a small SD card then take to another ipad that been jailbroken and be able to load the updated info saight onto the ipad without useing a computer at all..just the camera connection SD card unit

basically i will never have the this one connected to any type of computer in the first place for it the master inventory control program for the house for ins reason ..

so far as everyone has told me when called them and asked them about doing something like this with a application they told you can not do it without connecting to itunes and uploading the files first to itunes then downloading them to the other ipad to me that stupid when you should be able to transfeer basic info files from a sd card saight into the program from the sd card unit without haveing to sit down and basically manually to have to all the work by hand at times..

Yep, jailbreak and install ifile from Cydia. You have full access to the system and can copy files from one place to another even to a USB stick.
I did have a problem as I couldn't get any files to copy to a SD card but I think it might've been the card I was using?
USB is fine thou. Works nicely.
EDIT: SD card access is working fine if you keep the photo app open.

If it pops up with a message saying its not a compatible device or whatever just click ok and ignore it as its just Apple being lamers as it still works fine.

Yea, Apple don't make it easy or friendly. You have to mess around to do the easiest thing a 1/4 of the price netbook or mobile phone can do easily.
I have both a netbook and a iPad but if the iPad let me do everything the netbook did I wouldn't need it but as Apple keep the iDevices so tight and locked up the need for an extra device like a netbook will always be there.

Also as they do keep it locked up there will always be a need to jailbreak it.
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