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Why Jailbreak???

Here are some of my top reasons:
#1 Complete file system access (especially with iFile).

What does this mean? It means your files are no longer trapped in their apps.
You can type up a document in Pages, then do any of the following:
- copy it over to a bluetooth/wifi file-sharing app, and send it to other devices, or a PC
- copy it over to a wireless printing app
- copy it to any other app you prefer
- OR, connect a USB flash drive via the camera connection kit, and copy the document over to the USB drive.

Heck, it works the other way around. Via iFile, you can connect a USB disk via the camera connection kit, BROWSE YOUR FLASH DRIVE, and copy any file from it to any app on your iPad (like to Pages, etc.) Makes it easy to copy files/documents from ANYWHERE onto your iPad, without needing a PC with iTunes.

#2 Flash

There are quite a number of alternatives.
You can get "Frash", which is actually "Flash for Android", hacked to work on iOS.

Then, there's also:
- Cloud Browse: used to be on the app store, not anymore I think, but can still be gotten via Cydia. It's like using Firefox on a PC, with Flash, AND JAVA applets as well.
- Skyfire: was in the appstore for quite a while, but was pulled out. You can also find this via Cydia, and it will play flash videos for you.

#3 Jailbreak-only apps

Here are some to get started:
- MyWi: lets you turn your iPad into a wireless access point. Good for 3G iPads wanting to share their internet to other wireless devices (eats up your battery like a ***** though)

- SwirlySMS: send and receive SMS messages from your 3G iPad.

- iDos: this was on the app store for like a day before it was pulled. But its still on Cydia. A full DOS emulator, people have done cool stuff on it, like play legacy DOS games (like Commander Keen, or The Incredible Machines), and even crazy stuff on it like install Windows 3.11, and then install Warcraft II into that. I haven't tried it yet, but even crazier stuff like installing Windows 95, then installing Starcraft in it, MIGHT be possible.

- Speaking of emulators, there are tons. Like PSX4ALL, which allows you to play Playstation 1 games on an iOS device. etc. The possibilities are endless.

- And speaking of endless possibilities, there's also the (coming soon) Android OS installed on an iPad. Dual-boot iOS and Android pad = even more crazy possibilities.
Thank you for the reasons.. All good and worthy traits, each one. More icons... Multitasking..... Hey...wait a second. The latest update did that. (love it)

Ok all seriouse like now. All I want to do is crack security on wifi with an iPad. Can it be done if I jailbreak one of these puppies? Has it been done?
I find references to some apps early last year that could do something..... but they are gone, banned, some **** so I immediately pricked my ears up on the matter. The fact it might be possible makes me want it more.. ( I do network security, and the occasional noob try's to run another wifi ap, with yet another dhcp server)
sniff, crack, shutdown.

Or tell me at least of what other network admin apps I could get... Utilities ( useful ones) screw games.. I have money to make with iPad.
do it for free apps.

-waits for people to get mad and pretend like they dont jb for this-
But there are already tons of free apps on iTunes (and Cydia). If however you are talking about cracked apps, that is absolutely a prohibited topic to discuss on this forum so please don't go there.
jlr1516 said:
I jailbroke mine so I can have a huge GPS screen GPS system even without 3G model..

Please forgive my ignorance but how on earth is that possible if you don't have a wi-fi connection where you are and/or a phone to pull the GPS signal? Are you referring to an external GPS module connected via Bluetooth to the iPad without 3G?
Well if the dude has a mobile wifi access point in his pocket, he could very well do that, telstra do a wifi access point, connect unto 5 devices to it at once.. Loads of peeps are doing this option to make wifi only models sing anywhere.
Getting off topics, well least my topic.
Let's be clear, I don't need free apps, pointless. If I find a app that I want and it cost $120 and it does the job, then the dude who made DESERVES my money.mhe worked for it. Yay for him.
If you don't understand the kind of tools I want,
These are Mac and windows apps.
If I can do it with iPad, I would be stoked.
Again this is not for nailing my neighbors wireless, but to hunt down those morons who have no clue of networking, putting routers on my network screwing things up with their own dhcp leases, giving out ip's that conflict and cause problems.
So... Can it be done?
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SubnetInsight HD app

Thank you for the reasons.. All good and worthy traits, each one. More icons... Multitasking..... Hey...wait a second. The latest update did that. (love it)

Ok all seriouse like now. All I want to do is crack security on wifi with an iPad. Can it be done if I jailbreak one of these puppies? Has it been done?
I find references to some apps early last year that could do something..... but they are gone, banned, some **** so I immediately pricked my ears up on the matter. The fact it might be possible makes me want it more.. ( I do network security, and the occasional noob try's to run another wifi ap, with yet another dhcp server)
sniff, crack, shutdown.

Or tell me at least of what other network admin apps I could get... Utilities ( useful ones) screw games.. I have money to make with iPad.

SubnetInsight HD app might be useful to you. Its really cool IMO. Its a sorta wifi sniffer/intrusio detection/ very detailed info on wireless netwrk u pickin up. I have the app n it wrks ;-)
Yeah, checked it. So no groovy apps that i couldn't get from itunes... Well in conclusion, there is no definitive reason for jail break except general rebellion. Sad.. I expected a jail broken iPad to be born again hard
Aaaaargh just almost posted this nice technical explanation of jailbreaking until my iPad suddenly disconnected from the Internet.
Here's the short version: when you jailbreak you turn the iDevice into a full functioning computer with Finder, Terminal, game emulation for old game consoles such as the Playstation, even the ability to dual-boot some devices so it can run android.
K, biobunny has convinced me to give it a go...

Before I do, do I need booti every time I wish to reboot the pad?
I never jailbroke my iPad so I don't know everything. I have no ideas about the booti Thingy but jailbreaks come in two variations tethered and unthethered, tethered is a jailbreak that gets undone after connecting it to iTunes or turning it off, untethered survives those things. Also android is not available for the iPad yet if that's what your hoping and even if it would be available it wouldn't be for the faint-hearted as the (dead) iDroid project states. Other than those things stated in my previous post there's way more things you can do with jailbreaking, and here's also a fact: the Installer.app came before the AppStore!
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