Yes, the wind dying off is so frustrating.
Cousins of mine are into sailing big time. They live on the Isle of Wight. One paints marine scenes, one is on the Royal Yacht Club committee, and another is an RNLI volunteer mechanic.
I'm enjoying your posts Skimonkey.
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Thanks, Richard!
You have quite a few relatives that are really into sailing as well! Would love to see way their sailboats look like! I am sure just beautifully sleek!
Windquest is owned by the Michigan family that began Amway products. I am sure you have heard of them. Here is a great pic from the Detroit Free Press of their boat the day of the race.
Incredibly...some of the boats are so wide on deck...
Love this pic of all the boats rated off. The dark blue boat is one of my favorites of the race...
And finally, a boat crossing the finish line and passing Round Island Light House. Love the spinnaker...
Sorry to bore everybody of the sailboats, but they are just fascinating to me!!