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What are you reading now?

iBooks and amazon both supply free books so a lot of my collection come from there.

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GoPackGo said:
Stories I Only Tell My Friends by Rob Lowe

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What Color is My Parachute, Creative Visualization, and the Path of Transformation.

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Ayn Rand and the World She Made by Anne Heller

Next up: Salted: A Manifesto on the World's Most Important Mineral with Recipes by Mark Bitterman

After that, The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo

I'm a very eclectic reader

That's freaky. I only just noticed this thread.

Just finished "Anthem" by Ayn Rand (FINALLY got around to reading it.)

Just started "The Return of the Primitive." also by Ayn Rand.
I actually lied, unintentionally, with my post. I didn't start Rob's book yet. Decided to read The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck first. 22% done. Cute story so far.

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twerppoet said:
Jubal Sackett, by Louis L'Amour

I'm a Louis fan also, but I think I've read 'em all. Ditto for Tony Hillerman.

Currently, I am reading Kindling by Neville Shute. Just finished Pied Piper by Shute.
Heaviside said:
I'm a Louis fan also, but I think I've read 'em all. Ditto for Tony Hillerman.

I've always been more of a science fiction and fantasy reader, but both of my grandfathers were fans of Louis L'Amour and Zane Grey. I inherited some of the hardbacks a while back and am slowly working my way through them. I also got a fairly complete Zane Grey collection in the iBook Store.

So now I'm reading The Last of the Plainsman, interspersed with stories from Wild Cards I; when I feel like a change of pace.
twerppoet said:
I've always been more of a science fiction and fantasy reader, but both of my grandfathers were fans of Louis L'Amour and Zane Grey. I inherited some of the hardbacks a while back and am slowly working my way through them. I also got a fairly complete Zane Grey collection in the iBook Store.

So now I'm reading The Last of the Plainsman, interspersed with stories from Wild Cards I; when I feel like a change of pace.

The best of Zane Grey (IMHO) is Riders of the Purple Sage. I, too, am an SF fan---though of the "hard science" variety: Heinlein, Azimov, etc. Also like the River World series by Phillip Jose Farmer, and even some fantasy---say by that consummate master, Roger Zelazny.

Haven't read The Last of the Plainsmen. Whadda' you think thus far? (Grandfathers? Guess that makes you "un petit enfant", n'est pas?)

P. S. What the dickens is "Wild Cards"?
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