iPad Fan
The best of Zane Grey (IMHO) is Riders of the Purple Sage. I, too, am an SF fan---though of the "hard science" variety: Heinlein, Azimov, etc. Also like the River World series by Phillip Jose Farmer, and even some fantasy---say by that consummate master, Roger Zelazny.
My old favorites too, well, Farmer not as much, but I've read a few of his. I'll get around to the River World series eventually. I got more into the fantasy when the hard science fiction became scarce and the best new authors seemed to migrate that way. Now it's about evenly split (if you ignore vampire stuff).
Haven't read The Last of the Plainsmen. Whadda' you think thus far?
Beautifully descriptive and paced. It just flows along. Not the wild west adventure I thought it would be. Kind of a documentary written as an adventure.
(Grandfathers? Guess that makes you "un petit enfant", n'est pas?)
Even with Google Translate I'm not sure what that meant. (language challenged here). At any rate, I'm among the oldest of the grandchildren on my mothers side, and youngest on my fathers. I did not get the books from grandpa, but my father when he passed a couple years ago. I'm 50, and definitely not petit.

P. S. What the dickens is "Wild Cards"?
Not by Dickens, by George R. R. Martin (author and edited by): a collection of short stories and novels based on a world where an alien mutagenic virus was dumped on New York shortly after the end of WW II. It resulted in a lot of deaths, some monsters, and a few super heroes and villains. I've only read the first two stories; but it's pretty good so far. I picked it up because the entire series was on sale in the iBook store, and it's always been on my read someday list.