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Currently on book 6 of 38 of the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. I will complete the series eventually!

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
Haha, I'm going at about 15-20% of each book a day so there is hope.

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
I'm catching up on my Elizabeth George books of Inspector Linley. She has another one out this month. Can't wait to read it!

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As usual, I'm reading way too many books at the same time:
Steven Erikson's Dust of Dreams (book nine of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series)
Robert MacCammon's A Boy's Life
Arthur Slade's Dust
Gary Brandner's The Howling

Clive Barker's Damnation Game
Joseph Campbell's Power of Myth (such wisdom in these interviews)
Franz Kafka's The Trial (the Breon Mitchell translation)

And between all of this I'm working, raising two girls and trying to be a good husband...I have to find time to work on my own novels and screenplays. :)
The Strain: Book One of The Strain Trilogy

I'm addicted to vampire books, my secret guilty pleasure, I've read some good ones so far this year.
I like that many are in a series of books.

☮ ♥ 
I finished 11/22/63 and have started The Queen. Also have read a few just for fun books. Hard to find something to sink my teeth into....
Along with my usual mysteries and garden books I just read Final jeopardy, man vs. machine and the quest to know everything. I'm just starting Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman. All the critics reviews and review publications gave it top reviews. Some of the reviews on amazon were not so great. I'll give it a try.
John Cheever's "The Swimmer". The movie treatment of the story, starring Burt Lancaster, is excellent.
I'm reading "FDR, Dewey and the Election of 1944" by David M. Jordan. Believe it or not, it was not a foregone conclusion that FDR had the election cinched. Good reading. And I am also reading too many books at one time. I plan to read Steven King's newest book next: 11/22/63.

Sent from my iPad2 32 3G Black :)
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