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Just finished the last chapter of THG. Debating whether to go ahead with Catching Fire or go back to The Acts of King Arthur and his Noble Knights.
I'm reading The Family Corleone by Ed Flaco
This novel is based on a screenplay written by Mario Puzo, who wrote the original book The Godfather, one of my favorite books. Falco's book is that missing link, the one that tells the full story of all of the secrets that are only whispered about in The Godfather. I'm hoping he did a good job of taking over the tale. It has received some very good reviews.

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Just started this.

Light summer read.


This is very interesting. A compilation of articles on the interplay between technology and the constitution. Some are dense and some quite clear. I don't know if I will finish it. I read fiction quickly but nonfiction slowly. I only have it from library for 2 weeks. I have heard that the Brookings institute has a conservative slant but this seems to be middle of the road. It touches on a great many issues we need to deal with.

Also just finished William gibsons spook county and zero ??. I haven't read any science fiction for years. Any reccomendations on where to start again, besides Gibson?

Bennettb said:
Also just finished William gibsons spook county and zero ??. I haven't read any science fiction for years. Any reccomendations on where to start again, besides Gibson?


"The Swarm" by Frank Shatzing is a terrific read.
A real summer book. It's a heavy tome, as in weight so consider e-format if you get it. It's an eco-thriller / SciFi / fate of the world piece. It's translated from German but it's a well done transpose.

Stephen King's latest, "11/22/63" is worth reading. I classify it as SciFi because of the time travel theme.

Another good read, again not pure SciFi but close enough, and modern, is Cormack McCarthy's "The Road."
Recommend you resist seeing the movie first. Read, then watch. The book and film are excellent.

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Thanks, AA, the swarm sounds interesting. It's not in my library's on line section so I downloaded a sample from iBooks. Started it and it looks compelling. Don't like Steven king so I'll try mccarthy next. Not much of a movie buff so very little chance of seeing that first.
I just finished MIAMI PURITY by Vicki Hendricks. Beautifully written and very noir. In the middle of THIEVES LIKE US by Peter Spiegelman, and TELEX FROM CUBA. Enjoying them both.

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