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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

While I am pretty sure that the iPad can't replace either my laptop or phone, it is my ultimate mobile entertainment center. Perfect for flights, waiting in a doctor's office or DMV, or a Saturday morning at Starbucks. I've already converted a handful of movies over to iTunes format (pain the butt) and loaded them on the iPad - great movie watching experience. I've downloaded a few cheapo games (Shrek cart, Simcity for iPhone - anxiously awaiting Simcity for iPad) and they are pretty good. I absolutely love magazines on the iPad. Wired is incredible to view and the interactive features are really neat.

I think I was most looking forward to be able to leverage the iPad for business and I don't know if the device is capable of handling business-type activities to a great extent. Sure Pages, Numbers and Keynote provide a great start, I am not so sure how effective they will be. But with that said, I don't really know what I was expecting either. I run a few little ventures and I don't really see how the iPad can help me do what I need to do.

Summary: The iPad is great for content, but not so great for content creation.

Ideas? Agree? Disagree?
Tried to use it for sales presentations but it gets too distracting to my clients. Presentations go overboard and take too long...:p
OK OK, personally I think that the iPAd is great... infact I love it! The best thing is that I can carry my entire library with me where ever I go. No more 10 pounds of books in my bag! ...but more then that I dont´know that to use the iPad for... I mean, do you miss 3G then you cant use the ipad for anything more than reading basically... right?
Many reasons to love my iPad

I've used my iPad almost every day since April. Actually this is my second one. My husband started borrowing mine so much for google, email, Stumble Upon app, Blocks game app, ebooks, etc. that I gave him that one as an early Christmas / birthday present.

I got a 3G one and it was great on several road trips, where I demoed it for family and friends. I did a Keynote slide show of family photos. I love the Pandora radio app, Bejeweled game app, Photo origami slide show, plus email and Internet on the couch or in bed. And I like the Barnes & Noble app's sample chapters. Free ebooks from ProjectGutenberg are wonderful. I've been reading more poetry, plus classics like the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Walden.

I gave a third iPad to a sister who's recovering from a major operation for cancer. She used it in a doctor's waiting room, to play games apps, plus to check email and use the Internet on the couch, with wifi.
I forgot to mention weather watches (summer thunderstorms) using radar on weather apps. My husband loves using the Weather Bug app. He says it has it all and it's efficient.
I bought an IPad for my wife about 10 days ago. She is using it the exact same way she used her netbook. She reads a ton of fanfiction on the net at home. The instant on and longer battery is great for her along with the bigger and better screen. She also likes that email is faster to get to. She is not one to carry around her phone with her all the time in the house.

We both have Iphones and I use my Iphone for light surfing while watching TV and playing a game or two.

I realized that we don't really do much real computing at home. We just surf and check emails and play some games.
So far,

1. Keep track of my medicine, blood pressure logs, blood sugar, and medical records.
2. Day planner, project management.
3. Meeting notes and plain old note pad.
4. Some music if I don't have my zune around.
5. movies
6. got the camera kit for pictures, editing or downloading from camera for times when I'm not around my computer.
7. I have the MusicReader software for my piano sheet music.
8. some gaming.
9. websurfing
10. quick access for some of my work pdf's.
11. email
12. news
13. keeping track of finances, balancing my checkbook.
14. remote access to my desktop from anywhere in the house. if only I could get the IT department to allow iPad access...imagine the possibilities.

I just find the iPad so much more useful than my smartphone because the screen size is just perfect, and it's so much lighter and portable than my laptop. I really enjoy the fact that I can I have it on and useable in less than a few seconds.
School work, internet browing, eBooks, Email, Tweetdeck and YouTube...I just love youtube on the iPad, not like the on smaller iDevices such as the iTouch and iPhone :)

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