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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

First, I will use iPad to internet surfing like facebook, twitter, youtube.
Also, e-mail recieve and write.
Third, read news, ebooks, magazines.
I started getting serious about considering an iPad when I realized that I will have to give up my library whenever we downsize (I'm at retirement age). I've been wanting to update my 32G iPod to one that can hold everything, and we have an old laptop PC which we use on vacations to do e-mail, web browsing, movies, & games. At the Apple Store, our grandchildren loved the games.

The iPad should make my iPod irrelevant, allow us to give away our laptop, and get us started in e-books.
I plan to use mine for:

1. Stairmaster and other cardio machines - to watch movies/TV shows and read books to distract myself, and even surf the web (which I can't do with a laptop... who wants to use a mouse or keyboard while doing Stairmaster?!)

2. Surf the web on the sofa while watching TV (wow, that makes me sound like a colossal couch potato - see point 1 to negate that)

3. Read books etc. while on long car trips

4. Read while I'm bored in line (I do this already with iPhone, but iPad's large screen will make this a much more pleasant experience)

5. Have a running slideshow of my photography work while clients are in my studio (plus, I will load several Disney movies to keep their kids happy during viewing appointments)

6. Set it in the kitchen with whatever recipe I'm making (SO HAPPY not to have to print out recipes from now on!!)

7. Read or watch a movie under the covers in bed when I can't sleep and don't want to wake my husband up!
iPad use

Use "Starwalk" for stargazing, Use compass to align telescope, Read Sky and telescope Digital edition, Listen/view astro podcasts.....Then ... e-mail....

One great usage I've found is fast reference when I'm using programs like Lightroom or Paintshop. With the iPad standing beside my monitor I can easily check PDF manuals and/or videos whiteout having to alt tab out. Very convenient.
One great usage I've found is fast reference when I'm using programs like Lightroom or Paintshop. With the iPad standing beside my monitor I can easily check PDF manuals and/or videos whiteout having to alt tab out. Very convenient.
Ooh, that's a good one. That, and having a useful tech support forum thread open while I'm solving a computer problem. I've wasted so much paper in my lifetime printing things like that that only have a one-time use. No more wasted ink and paper!
Hi, greetings from Sweden,

I will use my Ipad for:

- Replacement for my Filofax
- Taking notes at meetings
- E-mail and Internet ofc
- Music and movies
- I will do a lot of planning with different apps (mindmapping, office etc.)
- I will purchase books and magazines for reading on my travels

And I will show off a bit with it :)

Best regards Lars from Sweden
Hi all, I'm new here, I use my new toy mainly to read, A lot of reading, since i got my pad, I gave up buying magazines as i found some interesting apps that i can carry all my fave. mags with me when and where ever i go, One more thing is i do put it next to me as a reference device on any issue while i'm working on my laptop on any project as i carry a lot of work related documents in PDF format and i use them in a daily bases. Guys, There is so many hidden secrets and things that this magic device can do. Just keep discovering and keep all of us posted. Thanks.
My biggest thing is GAMES! I love them, especially words with friends. I play them all day long. I got my iPad just before I retired so I have all the time in the world now! Of course I go on FB, twitter, email, forums, etc. I LOVE my iPad ! :D
For me its just a fun thing to have, a cool toy. Mostly im using my ipad for, checking emails,notes,playin games,watching movies and tvseries before bed,browsing the web and such:) oh and some times i am chatting on yahoo with beejive im or im+ , im not sure wich oneof them i like the most yet.
But im sure i will be taking the ipad with me on vaccationtrips in the future,instead of my toshiba laptop hehe..
When I get my ipad, what will I use it for?

A very good question and one that can be used to inspire new, innovative ideas. This is still America, the land of reaching for dreams and making the impossible happen.

Well, my chiropractor has soap note software for chiropractors he has developed and now it works on his ipad. Impressive stuff!

I love this new technology, it is amazing really! I have my own little home online business. I plan to use it for whatever I can use for anything and everything I can. I think that the best part is the freedom it gives one. If I am tired of being chained to my little desk here, I can go outside in the backyard and work.

This new tool has wonderful possibilities.

Thank you for letting me have access in here even if I don't own one...yet.
I'm still debating purchase of the iPad, though it's getting closer now as they are available on Amazon and in Target stores too. I currently own and use an ASUS EeePC 1201HAB netbook, which is ok, but don't like the key layout especially where the ENTER and SHIFT keys are located on the right-side(causes grevious hatred when typing). So my question is, is the 16GB model sufficient for daily use with calendars, contacts, notes, email, web surfing, eBook reading, reading news, magazines, PDF docs, movie or tv watching, minimal games and music listening?

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