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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

I will be using mine for easy access to the Internet when I am on the road (parked by the side of the road...LOL) and to access various MS Office documents that I am working on, PwrPt to present, Project Management, entering my Willow House orders when not at home, to take notes at work, tracking my many tasks and calendering.

It will be good to read this in another year and see what has blossomed. :D
I'll probably use it to play around and waste a lot of time..lol. The occasional email and apply for a new job type of thing too maybe.
... I would like to take a moment or two of my readers time now to describe the approach I take to creating and managing documents on my iPad, sharing these documents with particular people through the internet cloud service offered by Google Docs, and archiving documents with Google Docs. The approach can be taken on the iPad alone, it does not require access to a PC, which is the whole point of my purchasing an iPad in the first place.

Best wishes, Peter Holland

Thank you for this. This is exactly the type of scenario I was hoping to find. When I received my iPad in January, I immediately returned it to Apple for credit towards the upcoming iPad 2. (Glad I did too, since I got credit for the full price!)

I know the iPad has so much potential but I'm not sure how I would be able to use it. My background is in programming, and at work we have weekly status meetings on various projects in which I'm involved and I want to use the iPad more than just a simple note-taker.

When I do get the iPad 2 I hope I can pick your brain on how you have everything set up regarding Google Docs and various Apps.

Thank you again!
Planning on getting an iPad 2. I'll use it for:

-Surfing the net on the couch. Hate my bulky laptop for that.
-Skype/Facetime. Also hate my laptop for that.
-Newspapers and magazines (will stick with my Kindle for books)
-PDFs. I'm a professor so I read a ton of scholarly journal articles in PDF format
-Watching Netflix and other videos in bed (again hate the laptop for that). But will be limited as I'd rather watch on my big screen HDTV.
-Random Apps (games, bloomberg etc.)
I've cut down my laptop usage by about 75% after buying my iPad. Now, the only times I use my laptop is for MMORPG gaming (not really a fan of Pocket Legends) and for editing documents since my typing is faster on a real keyboard.

I use my iPad for...
-short gaming stints (I'm so badly addicted to Fruit Ninja)
-surfing and posting on forums
-watching YouTube videos (love the full screen)
-surfing the Internet in bed
-the reading of ebooks
-as a timer or alarm clock
-as an MP3 player
-storage of important notes and events
-as a Bible; so much easier to find passages, especially when during sermons!

It's basically a constant companion for me, I take it just about everywhere I go.
My WiFi 64GB model is used all day for something or the other:

communication (Textplus, email)
budget management (Pageonce, DocsToGo w/Google Docs, Mint)
books (Bible, Logos, Pocketbible, Kindle, Audible)
news (CNN, CNBC, Newsy, weather and blog apps)
reference (Wikipanion, Dictionary, WebMD, iTranslate, Calorie Counter, Maps, & PDFs in Google Docs)
database/information management (HandDbase, Simplenote, calendar, addressbook,)
TV/Radio (Slingplayer/Vulcano, Xfinity, Pockettunes, Pandora)
games (Nonograms, Suduko, Card Shark, Daily Jigsaw, Monopoly)
alarm clock (Night Stand)

I'd like the camera but it isn't worth the upgrade since I also have a iPod Touch 4th Generation (got it free from a bank). When USB and SD memory is added, I'll upgrade.

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