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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

Dear Jollywa, I know you asked Awais261 a question about taking notes, but I thought you might be interested in my limited experience. Up until recently I used the Notes App that comes loaded on the iPad, to write short notes to myself like things to do, but also to write draft email messages; to save myself the embarrassment of accidently pressing the send button when only halfway through drafting the message. Then, the other day, I started testing the Google docs internet cloud service and this caused me to check each of my apps to find the ones that support access to the cloud; and I found out, obviously, that the Notes app doesn't meet this need, but that an App called NoteMaster for iPad does. NoteMaster also, apparently, has some nice formatting options not available in Notes, and has received positive reviews from Apple and others. I can't say that I've used Notemaster for iPad much yet but I intend to and if you like I can post some of my experiences to this forum in the future; but don't pin me down to a date, I am a free spirit who has retired from work and shy away from deadlines. Regards Peter

I was extremely excited to purchase my IPAD which is my first Apple product ever. AND NOW MY LAST! Basically in a nut shell... first of all Apple charges a not so small price for this glorified "kindle" E-Reader, and then they want to get greedy with the APP developers and try and nudge our another 30% of their profits, which will ONLY cause the APP developers to either STOP developing the APPS or pull their product from the app store. SHAME on you APPLE. This greedy attitude makes me want to throw this new IPAD in the closest river! Then it has NO FLASH SUPPORT. Another way Apple wants to control what me as a user is able to play on a not so large screen, for the price exceeding most new laptops today! UNLESS APPLE IMMEDIATELY stops these practices and opens up this product for flash content, which by the way is MOST video sites these days. I WILL BOYCOTT this company all together (ALL OF ITS PRODUCTS) and will go back to the windows platform!
ONE PISSED OFF "new" and former apple ipad owner
Certainly not creating content

Even this editor is not immediately functional for the uninitiated. I create content on about 60 of my own websites. 90% use a wysiwyg editor that is completely non-functional on any of the iPad browsers.

Even is I use the iPad for 99% of my content consumption, I'll still have to travel with a netbook or notebook.

And what's with the VGA output? I've used iPad for some presentions (after downloading several different browser apps) and still have to fall back on a netbook to display some of the content.

Keyboard is ok for very short messages, not anything over a page.

Nice toy but not yet a tool. Maybe soon... Awfully expensive for a toy, and I certainly wouldn't recommend it for anyone in small business.
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@jollywa, @peter - I've found both Penultimate and PaperDesk to be fairly good for note taking. Both can alo be used through the VGA port for presentations. PaperDesk will also do audio recordings.
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Stevenoct204 said:
I was extremely excited to purchase my IPAD which is my first Apple product ever. AND NOW MY LAST! Basically in a nut shell... first of all Apple charges a not so small price for this glorified "kindle" E-Reader, and then they want to get greedy with the APP developers and try and nudge our another 30% of their profits, which will ONLY cause the APP developers to either STOP developing the APPS or pull their product from the app store. SHAME on you APPLE. This greedy attitude makes me want to throw this new IPAD in the closest river! Then it has NO FLASH SUPPORT. Another way Apple wants to control what me as a user is able to play on a not so large screen, for the price exceeding most new laptops today! UNLESS APPLE IMMEDIATELY stops these practices and opens up this product for flash content, which by the way is MOST video sites these days. I WILL BOYCOTT this company all together (ALL OF ITS PRODUCTS) and will go back to the windows platform!
ONE PISSED OFF "new" and former apple ipad owner

One of the reasons why I love iPad is the fact that it doesn't support flash.I hate flash because all the add banners and intrusive commercials are coded in flash.
When I can watch LIVE content,online movies,full length TV shows on my iPad why would I care about Flash?And advantage of watching online video on iPad is, it plays just the video not the pop up cheesy commercial like all PCs do.

No matter how much you cry, the fact is APPLE APP STORE has millions of app and still counting.A developer get famous overnight because of the platform Apple provides,of course it will charge a premium. Everybody knows corporate houses are here to make money.

Does kindle play movies from NETFLIX,Hulu Plus or website? Can it play full length TV shows from ABC,CARTOON NETWORK,ADULT SWIM?Can you create Keynote presentation or Spreadsheet on Kindle? Can you join a meeting remotely from a kindle ?iPad does them all.
How can a sane person even compare Kindle to an iPad.
Stevenoct204 said:
I was extremely excited to purchase my IPAD which is my first Apple product ever. AND NOW MY LAST! Basically in a nut shell... first of all Apple charges a not so small price for this glorified "kindle" E-Reader, and then they want to get greedy with the APP developers and try and nudge our another 30% of their profits, which will ONLY cause the APP developers to either STOP developing the APPS or pull their product from the app store. SHAME on you APPLE. This greedy attitude makes me want to throw this new IPAD in the closest river! Then it has NO FLASH SUPPORT. Another way Apple wants to control what me as a user is able to play on a not so large screen, for the price exceeding most new laptops today! UNLESS APPLE IMMEDIATELY stops these practices and opens up this product for flash content, which by the way is MOST video sites these days. I WILL BOYCOTT this company all together (ALL OF ITS PRODUCTS) and will go back to the windows platform!
ONE PISSED OFF "new" and former apple ipad owner

One of the reasons why I love iPad is the fact that it doesn't support flash.I hate flash because all the add banners and intrusive commercials are coded in flash.
When I can watch LIVE content,online movies,full length TV shows on my iPad why would I care about Flash?And advantage of watching online video on iPad is, it plays just the video not the pop up cheesy commercial like all PCs do.

No matter how much you cry, the fact is APPLE APP STORE has millions of app and still counting.A developer get famous overnight because of the platform Apple provides,of course it will charge a premium. Everybody knows corporate houses are here to make money.

Does kindle play movies from NETFLIX,Hulu Plus or website? Can it play full length TV shows from ABC,CARTOON NETWORK,ADULT SWIM?Can you create Keynote presentation or Spreadsheet on Kindle? Can you join a meeting remotely from a kindle ?iPad does them all.
How can a sane person even compare Kindle to an iPad.

iDevice.mobi, I too dislike Flash. It's not bookmark friendly when, for example viewing a Flash slide show, or a website constructed of Flash pages, and I wish to forward, or bookmark an individual image or page. I must instead make a bookmark for the *site* of the slide show, or the homepage of the site containing the page of interest and then drill down to the one I wanted in the first place. Also, it's difficult to capture an image location, its URL, if it's displayed in Flash. It's anti-Internet in that regard. Direct links are what makes the Internet great.
ipad very useful

I use my Ipad mostly when I travel. great for email, browsing the internet, and if I don't take my Kindle,I can still read on the ipad. since joining this forum (yesterday), I have found many new and useful apps including ones to allow printing to any computer. another use for the Ipad especially when i travel is for downloading my pictures from my camera. I like it as well as a laptop and it is much smaller and easier to carry around.
<snip> another use for the Ipad especially when i travel is for downloading my pictures from my camera.

How do you do that?
I bought the camera connection kit from Apple--very simple to use--just take the memory card out of camera and place it in the connector and into the ipad. pictures come up immediately and you can import to ipad. a second connector is included in the kit which allows you to connect your camera directly to the ipad without taking out the memory card.
Understand his point, but I just prefer the tablet form.
Especially since theres always a mac and win7 box running to do the heavy work.
I uses mine for school work Internet and games because it's easy and quick and simple but it's the type of thing that if you have two children you can't get one you have to get to as they fight over it I have one and my brother has one

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