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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

nazarlink said:
How to download picture from laptop to iPad?

You would require the apple card reader kit £25? then download the photos onto the camera card by way of your normal connection from camera to computer, if you still have the photos on your camera card then just take the card out and then take the card together with the apple reader and connect to the Ipad, which it will then download automatically?

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scottrgar said:
How can I view videos that i have ripped to my computer on my ipad?

A couple of ways are:
There was an app called VLC that you could download or Azul, once you download these you can transfer go into by way of connecting you Ipad to your itunes, clicking onto apps scroll down until your find either of the apps click on them and to the right you will see a screen which enables you to add, once clicked go through your files and add your film. Done!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I have VCD but have never used it. If a movie is on iTunes, all I have to do is check it, and it goes to my iPad. I don't have them all checked only for space.
I will use my iPad to check email and do lite work when i travel versus taking a heavy laptop. Of course, i will play play play! I love my iPad! I mean for real, I really am in love with this electronic device. I named him Shai!
I have VCD but have never used it. If a movie is on iTunes, all I have to do is check it, and it goes to my iPad. I don't have them all checked only for space.

How are you getting your movies into iTunes? Or are you just downloading from the iTunes store? I find even their rentals are pretty pricey.

I bought movies from the 2 for $9 clearance bin at WalMart. iTunes wanted $4.95 for the rental and $19.95 for the purchase of the very same movie.
I will use my iPad to check email and do lite work when i travel versus taking a heavy laptop.

Do you have Microsoft Office on it? What kind of work are you doing on the iPad?

I do not do much work on it. I consider my iPad to be a personal item; it helps me keep personal stuff off my work laptop.
jollywa said:
Do you have Microsoft Office on it? What kind of work are you doing on the iPad?

I do not do much work on it. I consider my iPad to be a personal item; it helps me keep personal stuff off my work laptop.

Definitely for fun and personal use. I haven't gotten much sleep because I am up downloading apps and learning about my new iPad2.
Currently using it mainly to:
1. watch movies under the blanket while struggling to sleep
2. complete my weekly case write-ups
3. play games on while being stuck in jam and make the person in the car next to me jealous of it
4. slap my annoying friend each time she makes stupid joke
5. read ebooks
jollywa said:
How do you hook your MiFi up to your iPad? The one I have requires a USB port, something that os sorely lacking on the iPad.

You don't need USB port, MiFi creates a hot spot and transmits WIFI signal around it. You can connect iPad and other WIFI devices wirelessly.
If you get 4G hotspot from Sprint, it's pretty fast and great value for money.Verizon 4G costs $80 for 10GB of data while Sprint 4G charges you only 60 bucks for UNLIMITED data
iPad is not lacking USB port, you can connect camera to it, you can connect various other devices to it. I always transfer my HD video and photos from Camera to iPad.
I have VCD but have never used it. If a movie is on iTunes, all I have to do is check it, and it goes to my iPad. I don't have them all checked only for space.

How are you getting your movies into iTunes? Or are you just downloading from the iTunes store? I find even their rentals are pretty pricey.

I bought movies from the 2 for $9 clearance bin at WalMart. iTunes wanted $4.95 for the rental and $19.95 for the purchase of the very same movie.

First, all of the movies that I buy in Blu-Ray/DvD/Digital format have a serial number which iTunes understands, putting them in iTunes.

There are utilities available which change formats of other videos. I have downloaded movies from YouTube and converted them to MP4 format (which can be opened in iTunes). There are even add-ons to Firefox such as Download Helper to make this easy (Although when I tried the auto-convert feature on the Mac version, I couldn't get that to work).

If you have DRM protected stuff, conversion may require the DRM broken - but will VCD work with unbroken DRM protected videos?

Look at the movie format you want to convert, Google what you want to do along with your OS, and see what you get:
[ame=http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=convert+wmv+to+mp4+osx&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=#hl=en&newwindow=1&sa=X&ei=yBXZTbb-A4ns0gH7vJT8Aw&ved=0CBUQBSgA&q=convert+wmv+to+mp4+os+x+free&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=dd1c585db5dd79e7]convert wmv to mp4 osx - Google Search[/ame]
Here's a huge expectation! I'm going to replace my filing cabinet at my main office. Corp office starting sending customer invoices as emails instead of printing and mailing them.

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