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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

akintomide said:
i will like to use iPad2 for saving A4 document. just like scanning? is it possible?

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There is a program used for scanning documents for the iphone and as the ipad 2 has a camera then it might work with? It is called camscanner and it is free! With the choice to upgrade if you think it works for you?


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William B said:
how do you quickly get movies, music on to the tablet? I hate Itunes so is buying this a real bad idea?

Nothing really quick about that. Too much info for that to go real fast. I try not to know too much about iTunes to hate it.
If I'm loading a movie I just start it and walk away...kinda like logging into the old dial up!!!
how do you quickly get movies, music on to the tablet? I hate Itunes so is buying this a real bad idea?

I stare at it a lot. I'm just in awe of it's raw power.
I really try to use it for everything. I do default to the old standby PC on occasion

I use GoodReader. That allows you to send any file from your PC to the iPad using either WiFi or USB. It's very quick and convenient and GoodReader does much more too - plus it's very cheap.

I use mine for just about everything that I used to use my laptop for. Music, Video, some WP (pages) email, youtube and the odd game.

A truly multi-tasking device, not a toy, that's for sure :)
Nothing really quick about that. Too much info for that to go real fast. I try not to know too much about iTunes to hate it.
If I'm loading a movie I just start it and walk away...kinda like logging into the old dial up!!!

It is not fast with the program that I use, either. But it is much better than dragging DVDs around with me when I travel. Plus the iPad has much better battery life than a laptop does.

Not every airline has in-seat entertainment systems like Air Canada does or has plug ins for your laptop like they do. As a result, it is often a matter of having movies with me on my iPad or having none at all. Plus even when I am on Air Canada, there are often no movies that interest me and I will have seen all the ones that might be good. When you log as many miles as I do and they only change movies once a month, you can go through their listing pretty fast.

So yes, it does take some time to load them into iTunes, but it is worth it to have entertainment with me on the airplane.
As a pilot I can replace several bulky, heavy manuals with the ipad. Not only easier to carry, but easier to keep updated, etc. I'll leave my laptop at home now, too, and use the ipad for netflix streaming on layovers, magazines, maybe a few games. I'll keep my kindle in my suitcase, though, as it's much better for reading outside or in a restaurant (where table space is limited).
Tfstairs said:
Nothing really quick about that. Too much info for that to go real fast. I try not to know too much about iTunes to hate it.
If I'm loading a movie I just start it and walk away...kinda like logging into the old dial up!!!

You can download new movies from a site called PSPISO you will also need an app called HD Download you can use the lite version as a try out? Once you have downloaded it from app store click onto it and enter the site http://pspiso.com to register once you have registered try using this link, i have tried this and it works well http://pspiso.com/showthread.php?t=548557 If you scroll down the page until you come across the movie front covers from there choose the film by tapping on the link below the picture, dont worry that it, but it will suggest bluray 1.4 gb this is not what you will download, once clicked it will take you to a download site Megadownload, in the bottom right of the screen you will see a counter counting down, once it gets to zero press it to download, you will have an on screen display indicating the film you are about to download, click download then a file will pop just click done. It will be about 400 mb this will then be loaded in the HDDownloader files on a tab at the bottom of the screen have fun


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I use GoodReader. That allows you to send any file from your PC to the iPad using either WiFi or USB. It's very quick and convenient and GoodReader does much more too - plus it's very cheap.


Have a look at my comment Barlowbrian, regarding movies download on another quote

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kwgrimes said:
I think this is what has hurt Apple, everyone thinks of this awesome tool as a toy! And too many apps dedicated to games and not enough focus on the other potential professional uses.

I totally agree, we need to see the iPad as a flexible hub to productivity rather than just an entertaining device.
3G, or not 3G, that is the question.

The answer depends on whether you require Internet access wherever you take your ipad. 3G is not worth the price. WiFi is just as fast, if not faster. I would suggest going with a MiFi device instead. MiFi units are pocket-size mobile hot spots that convert cellular data signals into a small Wi-Fi bubble good for allowing up to five separate Wi-Fi-enabled devices to connect. Where the Wi-Fi models cost $499, $599 or $699, depending on how much storage you get, 16GB, 32GB or 64GB, respectively, the iPad 3G starts at $629 and jumps up in $100 increments from there. The top-of-the-line model goes for $829. The question iPad buyers have to consider is simple: Is the extra $130 worth it?
I use mine for just about everything that I used to use my laptop for. Music, Video, some WP (pages) email, youtube and the odd game.

A truly multi-tasking device, not a toy, that's for sure :)

What if you want to play a game that your hardware doesn't support? Can you upgrade you device? Well my laptop can be upgraded. I can run just about any app from an ipad on my laptop with software thats mimics the ipad capabilities. Does it cost you money for each game you download? Not me. I just download whatever I want.:D
I agree I have a mifi by verizon and I love it ,using it with my iPad as well as net books, it's well worth the money.

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