iPF Noob
I see bicycle and some workbench tools in our backyard. Not a pleasant sight lol. My father is planning to renovate the backyard into a private garden where we would plant vegetables and fruits.
It used to look like this :
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My plan is simplicity , it will hopefully be turfed , but I've managed to increase the actual size of the usable lawn & include a 16ft x 10ft summerhouse / workshop into the plan .
I found 300+ unused house bricks throughout the soil , 40 odd driveway bricks & 90 paving slabs !
I want it simple , low maintenance and child friendly .
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I'd say the garden was too dangerous for kids , I found glass , metals , hundreds of random nails , sharp edges etc , so it needed radical surgery .
I'll turf edge to edge with 6ft x 16ft decking on the lower flat area with a nice low balustrade onto the lower area . I knew from seeing the garden for the first time what I needed to do , and drew plans accordingly . We've been here about 7 weeks now , but its a slow process on a tight budget .
I have had the help of some brilliant friends who've helped me a lot , we had to move a few tons of earth ;-)
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Oh I wish my garden was that flat , I'd love a ride on mower, my garden slopes up at the back , a little too steep for a ride on .
I'm itching to finish it before winter sets in .
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Believe it or not we have a huge front lawn too! When Gord used to cut the lawn he did it with a push mower! For about 4 yrs! Finally he got a John Deere ride on! It is so easy even I can use it. Because if I happen to pass out the thing will stop, that is if I fall out of the seat! I am laughing like crazy right now because if i just slumped forward iI have no idea what would happen, but my foot would be limp I hope and it would stop as well! :lol
One day your dream will come true! You will have a ride on for the flattest part and maybe an electric mower for the steep part!
I forgot about the part where i meant to tell you that is one heck of a job you have done so far! MAJOR KUDO's SERIOUSLY
Man plans. God laughs.
Love and Beloved.