E Pericoloso Sporgersi
iPF Noob
Is it cold (room temperature) or hot (80 C) curing acrylic polymer?
scifan57 said:I can no longer monitor the challenge. It's a work of art created by using specialized drills to hollow out areas of the acrylic so that they resemble sea life, then painting the hollows so they resemble figures cast in plastic. Each one is individually hand made. The answer I was looking for was the method used to create this object.
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=34591"/>
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=34592"/>The challenge is open to any iPF member who wishes to post a challenge.
scifan57 said:I have three different ones.
zstairlessone said:Almost looks like a glazed chocolate donut - now I'm hungry
Is it a close-up of "hagelsslag" (literally fine hail in Dutch) or "muizenstrontjes" (literally mouse-droppings in Flemish), which, in English, is chocolate sprinkles?And now for something completely different. What is this?
Micro-dot films?What are these?
E Pericoloso Sporgersi said:Is it a close-up of "hagelsslag" (literally fine hail in Dutch) or "muizenstrontjes" (literally mouse-droppings in Flemish), which, in English, is chocolate sprinkles?
(If I'm right, then I forfait, of course.)