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What music are you listening to right now!?!?

My dad had an 8 track. He had abba, simon and garfunkel and some other tapes. I'm sure I've either got it still or he does.

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Oh boy, 8 track, my mate had one, he thought he was so 'up to the minute'!!

Then again, on the other side of the coin, I thought the same when I bought a very expensive Mini Disc player/recorder....I still use it, but MP3 is the future for me........for now anyways!!
TheRambler said:
Oh boy, 8 track, my mate had one, he thought he was so 'up to the minute'!!

Then again, on the other side of the coin, I thought the same when I bought a very expensive Mini Disc player/recorder....I still use it, but MP3 is the future for me........for now anyways!!

8 Tracks were cool in an unintended way. When you got blitzed and crashed on the couch in the basement - your favourite tunes would still be playing when you woke up. Sometimes the same track you fell asleep on. That happened to me on occasion and usually, "In Hearing Of Atomic Rooster" was in the machine.


I'm sure my dad could record on his 8 track or am I imagining this. I'm getting older so I could be wrong.

Sent from my new iPad using iPF
Hayles66 said:
I'm sure my dad could record on his 8 track or am I imagining this. I'm getting older so I could be wrong.

Sent from my new iPad using iPF

You're not imagining.
Sony, Panasonic, Pioneer, Sanyo, AKAI and Realistic are all brands that featured consumer grade 8 track machines that recorded.

If you're really nostalgic, there's a high end Pioneer "Centrex" on eBay. Current bid is $169.99 $U.S.


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This never gets old. Not for me anyway.

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Did they remake this or something? I thought I read that somewhere or saw some kind of poster. Since I don't watch TV, it might be on the air for all I know, though.
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I'm listening to the "call hold" music at O2 whilst waiting to see if they can sort out my iPhone upgrade.

The Archangel

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