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What music are you listening to right now!?!?

AdmiralAdama said:
Are you on a contract or pay as you go?


Sent from my iPhone using iPF

I'm on contract......and despite being eligible.......they can't upgrade me right now grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

The Archangel
Gabriel1 said:
I'm on contract......and despite being eligible.......they can't upgrade me right now grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

The Archangel

That happens in Canada too. I wonder if when a new iPhone launches, priority goes to "new business" or customers fully out of their last contract.
Maybe because of demand and the stock available.


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I know you don't watch TV but there is a Battlestar Galactica sighting in the new Hawaii Five O - including the theme opener.
She's a Cylon. ;)

I'm going to need more clues, because I'm pretty clueless about TV, lol.
Hall of fame by The Script and Some Nights by Fun

Sent from my fantastically, wonderful iPhone using iPF
Gabriel1 said:
I saw Sweet live.......(yes, I do know you weren't talking about them but seriously, why isn't "Ballroom Blitz" in this thread?!).

The Archangel

We can't have that now, can we.:)
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