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Why jailbreak my iPad 1, 2?


iPF Noob
Hello everyone,

I've decided to open this new thread as I feel it would be great if everyone would share their iPad 1 or 2 (soon to be jailbroken) experience so others (including myself) may learn what possibilities a jailbreak offers?

So we can keep this thread well organized, I would recommend everyone share their experience in a similar format like:

- "application name 1" because "reason 1 why you use it", "reason 2 why you use it"
- "application name 2" because "reason why you use it"

This way we may avoid duplicates of apps.

I feel like this kind of thread would help others see what potential a jailbreak offers to the iPad and how Apple restricts users, if that's the case.

I am looking forward to seeing what will people share.
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1. XBMC. I have an HTPC at home and the ability to use it where ever I go is very nice. I assume I can use it with my portable hard drive and have my movie collection where ever I go.
2. iFile/Safari Download. I can download things on the Internet and not have to resync with my computer. Definitely a restriction. I assume so people continue to buy MacBooks?
3. Tor. The ultimate anonymizer.. This is specific to my uses I assume, but essential to me nonetheless.
4. Untrackerd. Apple really killed it for me here. Tech sites have been reporting that a forensics company has confirmed that law enforcement has known about the cached location data since iOS 4. As a privacy advocate, I find it unacceptable for that information to be on my iPad.
5. Torrent manager or client. As you may or may not know, mixtapes are free, but you can't get them on an iPad without a torrent client or spending a lot of time with Safari Download Manager. I have one on my Android phone, so I'd assume there's one for the iPad as well.

I'd also like to try out some of the Flash alternatives. Having *bought* Puffin and Skyfire, I'd have to think there are better alternatives. I have the iPad 2, so I haven't been doing much searching of what's available on Cydia yet. I jailbroke my iPad 1, but for some reason I didn't spend a lot of time with my iPad when I had it.

I agree with you though when people say changing colors is their reason for jailbreaking. Seems dumb.
@kevbo : great first post! well put together and organized.

that's exactly what I mean - I want to see real reasons why people should jailbreak, not useless abilities or tweaks.

thank you for sharing your jailbreak experience with the iPad.

p.s: I have an iPad2 and your first app made me really think about jailbreak :)

I am looking forward to seeing what others are willing to share
I've decided to open this new thread as I feel it would be great if everyone would share their iPad 1 or 2 (soon to be jailbroken) experience so others (including myself) may learn what possibilities a jailbreak offers?

So we can keep this thread well organized, I would recommend everyone share their experience in a similar format.


I think that the OP knows already why to JB ~ he just wants the above from other members.:)
I am still hoping for members to truly share their experience and stop sending links to sticky lists or blog posts. This is not what this thread was intended to provide.
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i have an ipad 2, but when a jailbreak is available, i'm gonna get truprint.

It will allow the airprint feature to work on more printers rather than HP eprinters.
GenerationX said:
i have an ipad 2, but when a jailbreak is available, i'm gonna get truprint.

It will allow the airprint feature to work on more printers rather than HP eprinters.

Thank you for sharing this.
Maybe we should give OP a break...

My 2c (favorite tweaks):

Seeing that this is my first iPad and it ain't jb yet, all these tweaks are what i use on my iPhone

Sbsettings - my favorite tweak, simply swipe the status bar and I can turn on/off things such as wifi, Bluetooth, 3G, data and airplane mode, it also allows for addons to be added for other applications one wishes to install

Folder enhancer - this is probably my second favorite, It's pretty much as the name suggests, the folders look so much better with this tweak, one thing I like most is that I can add folders within folders and unlimited icons within the folder (rather than have 5 'games' folders on my home screen)

My3g - enables me to use apps that require wifi only to be used via 3G instead, for example FaceTime, even though some say it's "poor" quality, seeing that I travel alot and I'm away from my wife and 3 kids for 4 days a week, I'd rather have a poor quality FaceTime call over 3G than not see my family for 4 days.

Synchronicity - enables me to use my device while it syncs.

Ezdecline (might apply to iPhone only) - when I receive a call, instead of the usual swipe to answer, I have two options, answer or decline.

Gpower pro - simply put, when you press the power button 3 options pop up, slide to 'power off', 'reboot' or 'respring'.

Remove background - when you have opened heaps of apps and they are all running in the background instead of double tapping the home button then deleting each one separately to remove it from the background, simply assign a short key (in my case short hold of the home button) this instantly removes all apps running in the background. I believe this should have been a must in iOS 4 but I'm not surprised it's left out.

I do hope you consider jailbreaking and in the end if you don't like it, restoring is one click away :-D

That's my 2c.

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