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Why jailbreak?


iPF Noob
No sarcasm intended, I'm just curious why someone would want to jailbreak their iOS device. I can sort of understand the idea that some people just don't want to leave someone else in control of their device but I'm wondering about specific, practical things that you want it to be able to do that you can't within the sphere of Apple's control.

And, yes, I know that there are other forums that discuss the jailbreak/hacking process but I felt that this question was probably more general as it's not about the process but about the reasons people have for going to the trouble.
I jailbroke my iPad for the convenience.

At the time I did it, Apple had shown us the gestures for 4.3.1 - but then I heard they weren't going to be released. So, jailbreaking gave me gesture capability (actually, I got more than just the gestures Apple had designed).

Then, I discovered SBSettings! This thing is a time saver extraordinaire! From SBSettings, I can turn on/off: VPN, Wifil, Data (3G/Edge), Bluetooth, Autorotation, Autolock, Displayout, Veency, Adblocker, Airplane [mode], 3G Unrestrictor and Inspell.

I can also adjust brightness, remove backgrounded apps, shut down specific apps and/or free up memory, make Safari the default browser (as currently I've got Atomic as my default), reset Safari (clear cache, history and cookies), run a calculator, take a note, check my data usage, invert the colors and start the iPod to play music.

Again, all this from within SBSettings. No more leaving an app to go to Settings and then to make the change. It's all right there.

It makes the iPad even more magical - that I can do what I want to do more quickly.

And I haven't even gotten into the other neat things you can do with a jailbroken app ... !!

Another tip with sbsettings is under "more" where you can "poof" icons that you want no-one else to find. ;)
My biggest reason is because I use the GrooveShark and ShoutCast apps to play music and if I can't have backgrounder (an app you need to jailbreak to get) then you can't run both apps at once so you would HAVE to stay on the music app to listen to music - and couldn't do anything else at all on your iPad at the same time.

And you bumped a 2 month old thread ~ not that that matters, but the search button is your friend.;)

Yes, I found this thread with the Search function but was unsure that it was the right place for jailbreaking questions since it is titled for all hacks. The title of the thread was a bit confusing.

What's this about bumping a 2 month old thread? Your response confuses me because it tells me to search (obviously gonna find old threads) then chastises me for bumping an old thread. :confused:
And you bumped a 2 month old thread ~ not that that matters, but the search button is your friend.;)

Yes, I found this thread with the Search function but was unsure that it was the right place for jailbreaking questions since it is titled for all hacks. The title of the thread was a bit confusing.

What's this about bumping a 2 month old thread? Your response confuses me because it tells me to search (obviously gonna find old threads) then chastises me for bumping an old thread. :confused:

I said bumping the thread didn't matter. Did you see that part?

My point ~ although not clear and I apologize is you may be better off starting your own thread. And since you were unaware of our Hacking Section, yet you posted in it, I think you should take out your own thread in this section that way the orig topic of this thread does not get lost.

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