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Widgets for iPad via vWallpaper2


iPF Novice
Not sure if anyone has had a chance to play around with this tweak... if not you should give vWallpaper2 for ios4/arm7 beta a try.
Can be found by adding this repo:
it's only in beta stage now but does look promising...

Basically it's live wallpapers 2.0. It has particle effects, magic fingers, icon effects, interactive widgets, "skyrockets", 3D rotating texts, and also allows you to show video on lockscreen. It also will not conflict with the barrel tweak as perpagehtml+ did. You also don't need to respring your device everytime you add/remove a widget.

By default it looks for Widget.html, widget has to be captialized but you can also direct it to look specifically for the correct html file as well. For the ps3 & 360 widgets just replace my name with yours.

Also add this repo for more vWallies just be sure they say iPad in title:
PizentuDeWind's Repository - MyRepoSpace.com

Here is a lil example of vwallpaper2 using the webview/widget aspect of vwall2.

And you can also use vwall2 to change the wallpaper on each page ;)
And if anyone runs across any more widgets please share here. Or know anything of HTML coding could write a few. ;)
After unzipping, Place the widget folder in:

Also FYI ~ the effects aspect(video, magic fingers, skyrockets, icon effects) will not be visible if you are also using the parallax tweak. Only the webview/widgets will work with parallax. You will have to go into sbsettings>mobile substrate add ons and turn off parallax if you want the effects to show up.

Ohhhh....in case you might of missed it.....here is Ep1:


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A preview of the particle editor from the developer----which basically you can choose any png file of your choosing.
I love bubble's....;)

It shows on iPhone but looks much better on iPad.....
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Question how do you get the widgets like calculator sand weather not to overlay each other on the screen. I can't figure this out?
Thanks Jimmy
Ilikeapps said:
Question how do you get the widgets like calculator sand weather not to overlay each other on the screen. I can't figure this out?
Thanks Jimmy

After you added the local widget and it showed up in the list. Tap on widget name and scroll down to "Top" & "Left" and enter disired location on the screen.

1. Simplescreen - simple date/time widget
2. Twitter feed - don't have a twitter account so I can't test....

Twitter widget setup:
1. Sign into twitter
2. Create a list of everyone you want to show up on the twitter feed.
3. Open the Widget.html file with the text editor of your choice.
4. Replace TWITTER_USER_NAME with your twitter user name
5. Replace TWITTER_LIST_NAME with your twitter list name.
6. Replace TWITTER_FEED_TITLE and TWITTER_SUBJECT_TITLE to the names of your liking.


by changing the color key (obtainable through google, gimp, or photoshop) you can customize the color combinations.
I did not create these but props to who did....


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Update today


- You can put widgets behind icons (look in settings, switch on/off “Stay behind icons”)
- You can switch on/off wallpaper.
- Add panorama effect.
- Add Ripple effect (Note: Pictures need to be oversized, otherwise wave effect make black border. Look @ sample pictures provided with vWallpaper2).

Nice now I can unistall parallax...trying to consolidate....haaa ripple effect ;)
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I've noticed that after I installed vwallpaper2 my wallpaper doesn't rotate? Am I doing something wrong or is this right?
thanks Jimmy
Ilikeapps said:
I've noticed that after I installed vwallpaper2 my wallpaper doesn't rotate? Am I doing something wrong or is this right?
thanks Jimmy

Unfortunately that aspect of vwall is formatted for the iPhone which doesn't rotate but you could set up new widget which does :D
Here's how:
1. Go into ifile create a new folder "wallpaper" within the webviews folder.
2. Place desired pictures in this folder and name appropriately
3. Open vwallpaper2 goto webviews>add local widget
4. Tap on "URL" field and point it to
Var/mobile/media/vwallpaper2/webviews/wallpaper/picturename.png or jpg
5. Scroll down further and set width to 1024 and height to 720
6. Scroll down further and switch on "show behind icons"
7. Set wallpaper to on
Note: make sure your ipad wallpaper and widget are the same pic otherwise you might see a delay of widget showing up when closing apps similar to how the htc weather widget reacts when closing apps.

If wanting perpage wallpapers then repeat steps 3 thru 6 and then add:
8. Tap on page# field below URL field and enter desired page.
9. Set wallpaper to off
Then I think it will respring.....this should now rotate. Also set wallpaper to off. Hopefully that works since I'm doing this from guessing...I'm on my iphone 3g model# POS ATM.

Update: that really didn't work the way I hoped....but I did find this on developer website
Note: This version are not tested on iPad. Please wait for the next update if something are wrong / bad display (resolution / rotation of screen).

So for now all I did was rotate the wallpaper 90degrees with any photo editing app. PS express or photo gene will do.
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I tried this out a few months ago, and while it's not bad, it's still in its infancy (at least it was when I tried it). It was too complex, explained too little as to what each tweak did (you had to respring, of course, after enabling every tweak, which meant that if you wanted to know what a tweak did you'd have to go through them one at a time and enable them/respring... which sucks) and it simply did too little while not exactly playing nice with things like going online to retrieve information.

Hopefully it'll get better in time.
I tried this out a few months ago, and while it's not bad, it's still in its infancy (at least it was when I tried it). It was too complex, explained too little as to what each tweak did (you had to respring, of course, after enabling every tweak, which meant that if you wanted to know what a tweak did you'd have to go through them one at a time and enable them/respring... which sucks) and it simply did too little while not exactly playing nice with things like going online to retrieve information.

Hopefully it'll get better in time.

with version .5 came the ability to place the widgets behind icons and also enabling panoramic wallpaper. While you did have to respring when turning on certain options. You didn't have to respring when choosing different graphix under those options. For instance...when turning on "magic fingers", you do have to respring but you don't have to when choosing different graphics under "magic fingers". The same goes for other options as well. I mainly use it for widgets at the time....until it's updated for iPad so as to rotate for some of the options.

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