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Airport City Trading Centre

What I need: in order of desire ----
Transmitter, (NOT Powerful transmitter), TV Panels, Grinding Machines, Air Vent Filter, Controller, Copy Machine, Text Book, Landing Lanps, Flight catering All Flight items

What I can Gift:
Deicer, Spare Propeller, Gyroscope, Fuel Hose, Master Plan, Navigation Module, Cooling Chamber, Flight Catering, Oscillating Beacon, Landing Gear, Server Rack, Spare Wire, Smoke Detector, Makeup, Additional Radar, Optical System, Drill Machine, Fuel Addititives, Weather Display, Jet Engine, Fuel Suply, Cognac, Textbook, Laser Level, Powerful Radio Transmitter, Passengers (10), Bath Towel, Sand bag, Copy Machine, Landing Lamp, Welder, Cockpit Class, Single Malt Whiskey, Computer, Robotic Lawnmower, Passengers, (5) Fuel (3)

Thanks for all visits and gifts! Much appreciated :eek:

Sorry all I could send was the controller.

bernardngo (level 40, 204 stars) Will return gifts within 48 hours
Pop up for tribes. Watch video 5 greens, bit quicker than in and out 5 times :)

captain flop (level 40) passengers, duty free. android account: not getting gifts at minute so don't waste on me thx lovely neighbours :)
Yeah!! Only a few more people are remaining to be rescued. So its should be good.

I will see the show. What channel and what time?

That's good news.

The programme was a documentary for uk TV all about Indian television, music & film.

I don't know if you're able to access 4on demand in India.

The 7year old kid from "dance India dance" was amazing.

By the way I've sent you a server rack.

Long distance items please.My sons Airport is called "Rigby's city" he needs spare wires. My iPhone Airport is called Randy Bobandy , Needs fuel ad,landing lamps, fuel sup or spare wires.


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Finally got enough coins to upgrade, so I need: TV Panels x3, Grinding Machine x3, Air Vent Filter x2, Flight Goggles, Dispatcher Console x4. Thanks for any help that you can give!
Land sale! Time to spend free greenies...yippee!

bernardngo (level 40, 204 stars) Will return gifts within 48 hours
Land sale! Time to spend free greenies...yippee!

bernardngo (level 40, 204 stars) Will return gifts within 48 hours

Wow, it's great news! My upgrades are postponed as I'll invest all coins in commercial buildings ;)
Just bought 5 blocks of land!

I bought 10 blocks. Completely wiped out my bank account. I am tapping like a madman now...may have to skip work. Land rich...cash poor...may have to skip work today,!!

bernardngo (level 40, 204 stars) Will return gifts within 48 hours
Hi tycoon Janie... Can you loan me some greenie? I pay in wine!

bernardngo (level 40, 205 stars) Will return what you send

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