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Airport City Trading Centre

Ircro said:
Does new mission have any time limit to finish?
I would like to finish the current mission before upgrading.

It doesn't seem to, mine still shows Halloween time.

captain flop (level 25)

screen shot of the hotel items on the ipad 3
Am still showing names if anyone has request?????

captain flop (level 25)

Can you send me smoke detector? What would you like in return?
I can't see on my neighbor list and I can't add you...

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Barbara59 said:
Please can you send a Leyden jar. What do you need in return - a beacon?

Sian and David ( level 35 )

Will send Leyden jar tonight. Beacons would be great!

User Fannie Fargo 32
Sparerotties said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=29593"/>

screen shot of the hotel items on the ipad 3

So maybe it's an iPad3 thing?

User Fannie Fargo 32
I can still sent sth to : Esther airport, Bittyville, Kazrobo85, Irco75, Flightbasbas, Avril, Jkllkj, Hanamaya, Menzie, Bloobuoy1975, Jaredr.

Pls write what you need....

Following the recent update my daughter can now receive gifts again on her iPhone. She needs the following items

2 bracelets
3 DND signs
3 ergonomic chairs
2 smoke detectors
3 archive boxes.

She or I will gift back.

Sian and David ( level 35 )

I sent smoke detector, pls the same in return.

I have just sent you a cash counter (at least i hope it was you, pls confirm delivery)
Anyone knows what is handling wire for?anyonein need of it? I have justrealizad it appeared on my giftlist

Hi Esther,

I did not receive the cash counter. Could you send me again?

I have rearranged my airport, it now has a lvl 3 and one lvl 4 runway, with three hangars by the right side and one on top. Hope you can find me.
TomekOla said:
Can you send me smoke detector? What would you like in return?
I can't see on my neighbor list and I can't add you...


I have added you but I don't have smoke detectors

captain flop (level 25)
Just sent you a cash counter. Will send another tomorrow evening..please send passengers or fuel or beacons please.

User Fannie Fargo Level 31

Thank you. will send passenger.
If you have a server rack or fuel supply, will appreciate those too.
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