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Airport City Trading Centre

jimghjj said:
Hello! I've been through all of the airports on level 25 and I can't find any that match that description. Can anyone who has names take a photo of it for me so I can match it up?
Sorry about the welders,I tried return gift and I guess that's what it sent to you instead.

I think this is Vibbster

User Fannie Fargo 33


  • image-3432598455.jpg
    98.2 KB · Views: 208
jimghjj said:
Hello! I've been through all of the airports on level 25 and I can't find any that match that description. Can anyone who has names take a photo of it for me so I can match it up?
Sorry about the welders,I tried return gift and I guess that's what it sent to you instead.

Ok I think I've got you. I've just sent you passengers as I haven't got anything else you need at the moment. If anyone else looking for vibbster look for 6 wind turbines. Next to them he has a bookstore,seafood restaurant and pet store next to each other. Much easier than looking for hangers.
Frenetta said:
I think this is Vibbster

User Fannie Fargo 33

Thanks! If anyone else has a pic of their airport please post it so I can find you!
Pdxsk2 said:

I'm dealing with the dreaded "username" problem...I want to send gifts that you're needing, and I'm trying to pick out those, like Fannie and Jbg, that I have sent to before. I apologize if I don't send what you ask for due to this!

I need one more rope block for Duke Croocker missions is all, so landing lights for my trips to Bali are appreciated. I'm also still working on my Lvl 3 control tower, needing 2Xtextbook and just one whiteboard.

Please G! Fix the username issue!


I know how hard this is. If you get names again, take pics of all the airports you normally send to. It helps. I can send you pics of the way I see people's airports if that will help you. My own airport looks completely different now than how most of my friends see it. I have no idea which version you would see as you and I just became friends recently! Let me know if you want pics and which ones.

User Fannie Fargo 33
jimghjj said:
Thanks! If anyone else has a pic of their airport please post it so I can find you!

Do you have any idea if you are seeing the old version of my airport or the new, re-arranged one? Do you even see my airport? New version has a level 5 runway with 5 hangars to the left and 1 additional hangar below the runway. I can send you pics of my airport and quite a few others. The versions may be much older than what you are seeing since you had to re-add everyone though.

User Fannie Fargo 33
I have textbooks and whiteboard. As I can actually see you I'll send you them over the next few days unless you get them first off other people. Just remind me tomorrow of what you need. You should have had a channel bar off me today.

I did receive the channel bar, thank you!
Frenetta said:
Do you have any idea if you are seeing the old version of my airport or the new, re-arranged one? Do you even see my airport? New version has a level 5 runway with 5 hangars to the left and 1 additional hangar below the runway. I can send you pics of my airport and quite a few others. The versions may be much older than what you are seeing since you had to re-add everyone though.

User Fannie Fargo 33

I just have about 100 username airports,even the gifts I received today showed username after I visited my neighbours so I have no idea whose sent me things today! The only people I can see tend to be my newer friends,all of the old ones are missing. This situation is un workable so I'm putting a complaint (yep another one!) in tomorrow morning. I suggest anyone else with the username situation does the same, if we all complain to gormless imbeciles en mass they might actually try to address the situation.
My apologies in advance for tonight's random gifts,all I can do is send in return the ones I've had today and send out the rest at random. :(
I am not entirely sure what my username airport looks like. I am level 35. I think that I had 2 runways - level 4 and 5 and 7 hangers - blue and green behind the terminal and I think brown 3 red and one glass in front. I now have a coal station at the bottom of each runway but may not have done then.

Hope that helps.

A propeller would be great thx

Sian and David ( level 35 )

I've sent you propeller. Thanks for Fannie ;)

jimghjj said:
I just have about 100 username airports,even the gifts I received today showed username after I visited my neighbours so I have no idea whose sent me things today! The only people I can see tend to be my newer friends,all of the old ones are missing. This situation is un workable so I'm putting a complaint (yep another one!) in tomorrow morning. I suggest anyone else with the username situation does the same, if we all complain to gormless imbeciles en mass they might actually try to address the situation.
My apologies in advance for tonight's random gifts,all I can do is send in return the ones I've had today and send out the rest at random. :(

Give it to the gormless ones!

User Fannie Fargo 33
I just have about 100 username airports,even the gifts I received today showed username after I visited my neighbours so I have no idea whose sent me things today! The only people I can see tend to be my newer friends,all of the old ones are missing. This situation is un workable so I'm putting a complaint (yep another one!) in tomorrow morning. I suggest anyone else with the username situation does the same, if we all complain to gormless imbeciles en mass they might actually try to address the situation.
My apologies in advance for tonight's random gifts,all I can do is send in return the ones I've had today and send out the rest at random. :(

I can see jimghjj2 so i can send you a towel in a couple of minutes.

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