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Airport City Trading Centre

Just sent you hull parts - hope you got them.


I didn't get it again this time. I'm not sure what's wrong, but seems like items you sent (including video boards) never reached me. I wonder if you can get my items or not? Please choose 1 unique item from what I have (that others don't normally sent) and see if you get it or not.
Jdm0101 said:
Thanks Fannie I did get it (have been offline for a few days).

It's nice to have a break from mad flying to meet deadlines! Currently i'm collecting oscillating beacons to try and get those defroster for my flight catering facility!

Beacons will be coming your way in a few hours. Please send back fuel if you can. I may take a break myself soon.
FLjim560 said:
Vibbster: Deicer

Jimghjj2: A-I Bracelet

Fannie fargo:Fuel

Lilly2: Deicer

Jbg364: Deicer

Provost76: Smoke Detector

OlaTomek: Deicer

Sian and David: Deicer

Ola and S and D, you sent Deicer to me. You came up on my gifts screen as "username" so I just sent the same gift back. Sorry. When I went to my Neighbors screen, your names were visible but the Send Gift link was greyed out. I know Deicer was not your first choice. I'll do better tomorrow.

I still have available gifts to send. If you can send Deicer, I'd appreciate it.


Please follow the link in my sig file for a description of my airport if you can't find me.

Will send deicer soon. Thanks for the fuel!

I didn't get it again this time. I'm not sure what's wrong, but seems like items you sent (including video boards) never reached me. I wonder if you can get my items or not? Please choose 1 unique item from what I have (that others don't normally sent) and see if you get it or not.

Why don't you try sending me a stapler? I'm having the same trouble with another neighbour and I can always see their username. Let's give this a try. I'd really like to help you out but ....
Hi everyone,

Have been MIA the past week as currently in Europe and cld only get intermittent wifi connection. I am experiencing user name problem, so will be sending fuel, passengers and flight catering to those on my neighbour list. Thanks!

My usernames are back to real names, finally...ugh! We will see how longit lasts.

I sent my limit of gifts, but before the names showed up. I sent mostly beacons and flight catering, sorry if not what you needed...like Fannie Fargo, i see you wanted fuel...sorry! frustration with the username problem kept me off these boards the past two days.

I need a darn "textbook" if anyone has ability to send. Also...one rope block, so landing lamps for my zillionth trip to Bali are much appreciated (textbook first though, please!).


Pdxsk2 said:

My usernames are back to real names, finally...ugh! We will see how longit lasts.

I sent my limit of gifts, but before the names showed up. I sent mostly beacons and flight catering, sorry if not what you needed...like Fannie Fargo, i see you wanted fuel...sorry! frustration with the username problem kept me off these boards the past two days.

I need a darn "textbook" if anyone has ability to send. Also...one rope block, so landing lamps for my zillionth trip to Bali are much appreciated (textbook first though, please!).



If it doesn't change again my gifts should reset in 12 hours so will send you landing lamps then. Your name is one of the few that shows in my neighbours list

captain flop (level 27)
Nunurbiz said:
Can someone help me with flight school
I need flight helmet and two textbooks please
Nunurbiz Level 15

I have textbooks. Will send friend request

Sian and David ( level 35 )
L1ttle Angel said:

I didn't get it again this time. I'm not sure what's wrong, but seems like items you sent (including video boards) never reached me. I wonder if you can get my items or not? Please choose 1 unique item from what I have (that others don't normally sent) and see if you get it or not.

Can't see your list but do you need hull parts?

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Pdxsk2 said:

My usernames are back to real names, finally...ugh! We will see how longit lasts.

I sent my limit of gifts, but before the names showed up. I sent mostly beacons and flight catering, sorry if not what you needed...like Fannie Fargo, i see you wanted fuel...sorry! frustration with the username problem kept me off these boards the past two days.

I need a darn "textbook" if anyone has ability to send. Also...one rope block, so landing lamps for my zillionth trip to Bali are much appreciated (textbook first though, please!).



I can send textbook. Will send friend request

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Pdxsk2 said:
I received your friend request, thank you! What can I send you as a gift?


Thx for the module, that was fine. Textbook on its way!

Sian and David ( level 35 )

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