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Airport City Trading Centre

stewartsathome said:
What do u need Esther, I can send whatever you want.......I think!

captain flop (level 28 ) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire, single malt (for when my wine runs out), choc candies, pearl earrings, skin care prod

Hi caotain! Yes i can wow!!! I need 3anti-theft gates, 1 glass case display and 1 security camera...what can i send you when my gift list resets?
GLC23 said:
Yep, but on holiday, that's not my view!

Level:32 Pingways, I need: Xmas items / catering / pax / fuel.

It looks lovely, someone has that view. They r lucky

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)
EstherV said:
Hi caotain! Yes i can wow!!! I need 3anti-theft gates, 1 glass case display and 1 security camera...what can i send you when my gift list resets?

Fuel supply or old lanterns pls. I am waiting 4 gifts to reset too. Will send tomorrow now its late here.

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)
stewartsathome said:
Nice. I haven't used my iPad to take many decent pics, they all on my computer

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)

I took it with my camera and then made it as small as I possibly could so it would accept it.
GLC23 said:
What? You didn't take the one of popeye yourself? You've disappointed me captain!

Level:32 Pingways, I need: Xmas items / catering / pax / fuel.

That would be some camera!
Barbara59 said:
Yes thx. Hope you got the heater.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need old lanterns

Just saw your avatar on FB but it isn't this pic. I believe it's a pic of you.
Frenetta said:
Just saw your avatar on FB but it isn't this pic. I believe it's a pic of you.

Yes just about to change it!

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need old lanterns
Frenetta said:
Just wanted to make sure you knew!

No problem but I have changed my FB photo to this one but don't think my game avatar has changed.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, beacon, fuel hose or catering.
No problem but I have changed my FB photo to this one but don't think my game avatar has changed.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, beacon, fuel hose or catering.

I see photo of cats in game. Should have mine posted later this evening. Isn't this great? What does Siannnnn need today?
Hi caotain! Yes i can wow!!! I need 3anti-theft gates, 1 glass case display and 1 security camera...what can i send you when my gift list resets?

If any of the above are available to me this evening I'll send. And if they aren't, what would you like?
Jbg364 said:
I see photo of cats in game. Should have mine posted later this evening. Isn't this great? What does Siannnnn need today?

I love it! Gifting was so much faster today!

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