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Airport City Trading Centre

So glad I found this forum. Only problem is I have 437 pages to catch up on it. Can someone please give me the Cliff Notes version of how this forum works? Like most of you, I need some items for my airport in order to keep expanding. Primarily I need 4 shampoo bottles. Can someone help me? Thanks so much!

Username: JackieLF

I'd be happy to reciprocate in any way I can!!!

So glad I found this forum. Only problem is I have 437 pages to catch up on it. Can someone please give me the Cliff Notes version of how this forum works? Like most of you, I need some items for my airport in order to keep expanding. Primarily I need 4 shampoo bottles. Can someone help me? Thanks so much!

Username: JackieLF

I'd be happy to reciprocate in any way I can!!!


Will send you an add request which you'll find in your waiting line, accept and I'll send you a gift when my day resets in about 2 1/2 hours. If you set up your signature (no more than 5 lines) with your username, level of play and what you need, that will get you started. Bad news is that you will probably have to buy shampoo for your hotel - no one seems to be able to gift it. And, it does not drop from planes.
Jbg364 said:
If any of the above are available to me this evening I'll send. And if they aren't, what would you like?

Hey Jbg - do you know where or how we get gifts for the sleigh flights? I finally got my hangar!
Jbg364 said:
Would you let me know if you can see my avatar in the game please?

Sorry. I can't see it. I went in and visited you (that worked with Barbara) but that didn't work either.
Just checking here - does everyone have a large number of elves that don't give you anything at all? I didn't do the Halloween challenge so I don't know if this is normal or not. Thanks for any info.

This is annoyingly normal - I used up 20 odd items to get one magic dust thingy... your neighbours tend to give more items.
I must have missed the start of the conversation, but how exactly do you add an avatar to the game? Does this just pull it from Facebook?
marsm said:
I must have missed the start of the conversation, but how exactly do you add an avatar to the game? Does this just pull it from Facebook?

Yes, yours shows the same as the one you have on this forum, which is perfect

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)
marsm said:
I must have missed the start of the conversation, but how exactly do you add an avatar to the game? Does this just pull it from Facebook?

Yes, and yours are already showing in the game.
marsm said:
I must have missed the start of the conversation, but how exactly do you add an avatar to the game? Does this just pull it from Facebook?

Like the Captain said, yours is nice and visible!
Am about to start my gifting so if anyone wants other than items in their signature, let me know ASAP

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)

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