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Airport City Trading Centre

Well Fred, I think it is your call...what is the plan?

I failed math and in the excitement pushed the wrong combo, I am behind but can catch up to 168 if that is still the plan

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
Ok If you sure can we all make same as luke. 178. It might take a 20 mins

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

Recounted there are 10 of us in so 200 each can someone else double check and agree with this post

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please
100 mins to launch .. not that i am counting......

It's a new pad 2 practice launch due to start at 6pm UK time 25 April will try and keep it open for an hour to allow later joiners, another major one at the weekend (tbc)

Have added time zones to your names if known might be useful next time

Ok 12 in so please put in 168 as thats the closest number I think

Points can be added In these combinations for speed. 120 + 24+12+6+6 or something similar last one in needs to try and put largest number in last

Janietub (weekend only)
Frenetta (weekend) GMT -7
Jbg364 ( weekend). GMT -7
Jal pilot (weekend)
Robwu (weekend)
Pinkel3 (6.53pm)
Adam d
Captain B (weekend)
CalumLFC (weekend)
Craig_29 GMT +2
Jdm0101( not yet)
Nutthyuk (weekend)
Captain flop ( not yet )

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

Hi, just to let you know it is 1:10 in the afternoon here.

hi, I could use all types of long distance items, thanks.
If you are in with ten, just make it easy. Everyone 200 in, we don't need Rob to calculate that. And tomorrow evening I can join
Ok 200 it is don't worry Luke we needed a practice for the weekend big one

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please
I took some pictures so wil try and put them in up later as not working at present

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

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