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Apple iPad 2 - Big deal or not?

Here is what we can probably expect:

Dual core processor with a pretty nice graphics processor
4g compatibility for verizon and at&t
Similar screen
FFC and a minor rear camera

I think that they will probably play up the 4g access a lot to make it seem more important and impressive than it is. Could be wrong though.
I don't think we will see 4G for awhile. Verizon cannot put any Apple products on their 4G system thanks to some political manuevering by Google. AT&T is not going to have much for awhile and most people wil not gain enough from it to have any additional chips in the iPad justified.

I am an avid mac owner and user. I have 2 iphones, a macbook pro, an imac and a power mac. I have converted dozens of friends and family to apple. But believe it or not....I am using a galaxy tab as a tablet! I love the 7 inch format, and I love that I can do what I want with it. I can access, send, share, download, unzip, overwrite, delete, replace...... oh and all that from a sd card or internal memory. Listen....I love apple, but I do get frustrated in how apple releases its products. They add a feature or 2 to an existing format and they make you think they have revolutionized the world! LG is releasing a tablet that films in 3d for petes sake!!! We are supposed to get exited about march 2nd because the square ipad is going to have a front facing camera...and maybe a camera on the back! I bet the screen format hasnt changed to 16:10 either. How about you at least give us 2 cameras, sd storage, a flash, a hd fitted screen and usb like most other android tablets! I think apple has some serious homework to do with all that is going on in tablet technology at the moment. My 800 bucks is headed towards the xoom!

Read more: Apple iPad 2 to reportedly feature anti-reflection display | The Apple iPad Fan
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I am an avid mac owner and user. I have 2 iphones, a macbook pro, an imac and a power mac. I have converted dozens of friends and family to apple. But believe it or not....I am using a galaxy tab as a tablet! I love the 7 inch format, and I love that I can do what I want with it. I can access, send, share, download, unzip, overwrite, delete, replace...... oh and all that from a sd card or internal memory. Listen....I love apple, but I do get frustrated in how apple releases its products. They add a feature or 2 to an existing format and they make you think they have revolutionized the world! LG is releasing a tablet that films in 3d for petes sake!!! We are supposed to get exited about march 2nd because the square ipad is going to have a front facing camera...and maybe a camera on the back! I bet the screen format hasnt changed to 16:10 either. How about you at least give us 2 cameras, sd storage, a flash, a hd fitted screen and usb like most other android tablets! I think apple has some serious homework to do with all that is going on in tablet technology at the moment. My 800 bucks is headed towards the xoom!

Read more: Apple iPad 2 to reportedly feature anti-reflection display | The Apple iPad Fan

Original galxy tab is a Fail. Runs exact same apps that any old android phone can run. There are no tablet only oriented apps for it. It wont even be able to upgrade to new android honeycomb os because of its specs comstraints. Samsung already dumped 1st. Generation tab. Now the new 10.1 in. Tab comin out might be halfway decent. Why? Its gonna have honeycomb os on it and beefed up specs. Sorry bud, galxy tab sucks...lmao
Why is ipad so great then? We have over 35,000 or 350,000 tablet specific apps for the ipad. Its one of those numbers. Xoom already released n has like less thn 10 android tablet specific apps. Apps make the device n world go round. If u dont have decent apps n a bunch of them, you fail..lol!
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I agree with Marquis590

I am an avid mac owner and user. I have 2 iphones, a macbook pro, an imac and a power mac. I have converted dozens of friends and family to apple. But believe it or not....I am using a galaxy tab as a tablet! I love the 7 inch format, and I love that I can do what I want with it. I can access, send, share, download, unzip, overwrite, delete, replace...... oh and all that from a sd card or internal memory. Listen....I love apple, but I do get frustrated in how apple releases its products. They add a feature or 2 to an existing format and they make you think they have revolutionized the world! LG is releasing a tablet that films in 3d for petes sake!!! We are supposed to get exited about march 2nd because the square ipad is going to have a front facing camera...and maybe a camera on the back! I bet the screen format hasnt changed to 16:10 either. How about you at least give us 2 cameras, sd storage, a flash, a hd fitted screen and usb like most other android tablets! I think apple has some serious homework to do with all that is going on in tablet technology at the moment. My 800 bucks is headed towards the xoom!

Read more: Apple iPad 2 to reportedly feature anti-reflection display | The Apple iPad Fan

Original galxy tab is a Fail. Runs exact same apps that any old android phone can run. There are no tablet only oriented apps for it. It wont even be able to upgrade to new android honeycomb os because of its specs comstraints. Samsung already dumped 1st. Generation tab. Now the new 10.1 in. Tab comin out might be halfway decent. Why? Its gonna have honeycomb os on it and beefed up specs. Sorry bud, galxy tab sucks...lmao
Why is ipad so great then? We have over 35,000 or 350,000 tablet specific apps for the ipad. Its one of those numbers. Xoom already released n has like less thn 10 android tablet specific apps. Apps make the device n world go round. If u dont have decent apps n a bunch of them, you fail..lol!

I agree with Marquis590. The android tablets are way ahead of apple and the ipad. So much more freedom and possibilities. Also so many more built in hardware options and advanced technology. The fact that every major carrier is offering the Tab not only for different prices up front but also with different monthly data plan options means that competition is working in its favor. Also Android 2.2, aka Froyo, comes installed in-box. Although you say there are no tablet oriented apps for the galaxy (which there are at least 10 000) This means we can use Flash Player 10.1 on our Tabs and enjoy plenty of videos and websites that we normally can visit on the computer but not on our iphones and ipads. Seriously Apple....no flash support! And as far as performance goes, the A8 1 GHz processor with 512 MB RAM and powerful SGX540 GPU does a greater job than apples 1ghz and 256 mb ram on the ipad. I am also a mac user. I love apple computing. However I too will opt for the motorola xoom as soon as it becomes available on the gsm network unless apple comes out with somthing that is at least up to par with the new xoom and galaxy 10.1. If apple would remove the many restrictions associated to itunes and give people more freedom to roam within their devices and build a slate that has all the options the android tablets have, ..they could seriously win over the tablet market. But for now, like Marquis590 mentions, with a non friendly and anti hd square 4:3 display, no cameras, no usb, no sd, no flash, no flash support etc. Apple has a long way to go before they can be back in the leading game of tablet technology.
If the drastic rate that the battery drains when watching youtube on the ipad is any indication of the true cost of flash, you can keep flash, I don't need it.

what I do need in an IPAD 2 is some way to transfer files quickly. At this point I don't even care what it is, ssd, usb, whatever. Would I prefer light-peak yes, do I have to have it to get and Ipad 2, no.

I'm definitely not waiting on the 3, cause for all we know it may lose functions that we like, who knows.
If the drastic rate that the battery drains when watching youtube on the ipad is any indication of the true cost of flash, you can keep flash, I don't need it.

How could it be? It isn't using Flash. I guess that shows the drastic rate of battery drain when viewing HTML5 video content on the iPad though.
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I do believe we have a couple of trolls posting. It is a pity that some people have to knock what they cannot afford, or expect the world to comply with their narrow interests.
I am an avid mac owner and user. I have 2 iphones, a macbook pro, an imac and a power mac. I have converted dozens of friends and family to apple. But believe it or not....I am using a galaxy tab as a tablet! I love the 7 inch format, and I love that I can do what I want with it. I can access, send, share, download, unzip, overwrite, delete, replace...... oh and all that from a sd card or internal memory. Listen....I love apple, but I do get frustrated in how apple releases its products. They add a feature or 2 to an existing format and they make you think they have revolutionized the world! LG is releasing a tablet that films in 3d for petes sake!!! We are supposed to get exited about march 2nd because the square ipad is going to have a front facing camera...and maybe a camera on the back! I bet the screen format hasnt changed to 16:10 either. How about you at least give us 2 cameras, sd storage, a flash, a hd fitted screen and usb like most other android tablets! I think apple has some serious homework to do with all that is going on in tablet technology at the moment. My 800 bucks is headed towards the xoom!

Read more: Apple iPad 2 to reportedly feature anti-reflection display | The Apple iPad Fan

Original galxy tab is a Fail. Runs exact same apps that any old android phone can run. There are no tablet only oriented apps for it. It wont even be able to upgrade to new android honeycomb os because of its specs comstraints. Samsung already dumped 1st. Generation tab. Now the new 10.1 in. Tab comin out might be halfway decent. Why? Its gonna have honeycomb os on it and beefed up specs. Sorry bud, galxy tab sucks...lmao
Why is ipad so great then? We have over 35,000 or 350,000 tablet specific apps for the ipad. Its one of those numbers. Xoom already released n has like less thn 10 android tablet specific apps. Apps make the device n world go round. If u dont have decent apps n a bunch of them, you fail..lol!

I agree with Marquis590. The android tablets are way ahead of apple and the ipad. So much more freedom and possibilities. Also so many more built in hardware options and advanced technology. The fact that every major carrier is offering the Tab not only for different prices up front but also with different monthly data plan options means that competition is working in its favor. Also Android 2.2, aka Froyo, comes installed in-box. Although you say there are no tablet oriented apps for the galaxy (which there are at least 10 000) This means we can use Flash Player 10.1 on our Tabs and enjoy plenty of videos and websites that we normally can visit on the computer but not on our iphones and ipads. Seriously Apple....no flash support! And as far as performance goes, the A8 1 GHz processor with 512 MB RAM and powerful SGX540 GPU does a greater job than apples 1ghz and 256 mb ram on the ipad. I am also a mac user. I love apple computing. However I too will opt for the motorola xoom as soon as it becomes available on the gsm network unless apple comes out with somthing that is at least up to par with the new xoom and galaxy 10.1. If apple would remove the many restrictions associated to itunes and give people more freedom to roam within their devices and build a slate that has all the options the android tablets have, ..they could seriously win over the tablet market. But for now, like Marquis590 mentions, with a non friendly and anti hd square 4:3 display, no cameras, no usb, no sd, no flash, no flash support etc. Apple has a long way to go before they can be back in the leading game of tablet technology.

HUH! I see u must be n la la land. Plz pass whatever u are smokin to the left hand side..lol. For starters where n da hell is it stated Xoom Android honeycomb has 10,000 tablet "only" apps yets? fAIl cuz thats not even remotely true. Yeah android has over that many regular mobile phone apps BUT nOT tablet apps. Secondly, yeah, the xoom has great specs. I love the hardware side of it BUT that doesnt mean Jack if u dont have software or apps that make use of it. Apps make the tablet market go round. Thats why apple has over 1 billion app dowmloads. Thats why apple ipad did so well despite the restrictions. N android is not ahead odf apple. I cant believe im defending apple cuz i use to hate them, but facts are facts. People think just because a month or two or three android sells more n their on top. FAIL!!! What market goes by is overall. Overall, apple has sold more thn anyone in recent times. Dont get me wrong, i really like android also but it still has a looooong way to go b4 catching up to apple success. Apple is so ahead of the game its stupid. Apple is like a monopoply, the modern day windows/ bill gates. Nuff said, NEXT! Lol
Seadog said:
I do believe we have a couple of trolls posting. It is a pity that some people have to knock what they cannot afford, or expect the world to comply with their narrow interests.

I think they are knocking something that, in their opinion, isn't worth spending X amount of money on when their original iPad is only a year old and will still perform the vast majority of the new iPad's features.

I would knock the new iPad if I had waited for a year for only a few new features. But that's the way apple upgrades their products and it works for them.
sundancer said:
I agree with Marquis590. The android tablets are way ahead of apple and the ipad. So much more freedom and possibilities. Also so many more built in hardware options and advanced technology. The fact that every major carrier is offering the Tab not only for different prices up front but also with different monthly data plan options means that competition is working in its favor. Also Android 2.2, aka Froyo, comes installed in-box. Although you say there are no tablet oriented apps for the galaxy (which there are at least 10 000) This means we can use Flash Player 10.1 on our Tabs and enjoy plenty of videos and websites that we normally can visit on the computer but not on our iphones and ipads. Seriously Apple....no flash support! And as far as performance goes, the A8 1 GHz processor with 512 MB RAM and powerful SGX540 GPU does a greater job than apples 1ghz and 256 mb ram on the ipad. I am also a mac user. I love apple computing. However I too will opt for the motorola xoom as soon as it becomes available on the gsm network unless apple comes out with somthing that is at least up to par with the new xoom and galaxy 10.1. If apple would remove the many restrictions associated to itunes and give people more freedom to roam within their devices and build a slate that has all the options the android tablets have, ..they could seriously win over the tablet market. But for now, like Marquis590 mentions, with a non friendly and anti hd square 4:3 display, no cameras, no usb, no sd, no flash, no flash support etc. Apple has a long way to go before they can be back in the leading game of tablet technology.

Guess what? The xoom doesn't have flash for a while.
Demandarin said:
HUH! I see u must be n la la land. Plz pass whatever u are smokin to the left hand side..lol. For starters where n da hell is it stated Xoom Android honeycomb has 10,000 tablet "only" apps yets? fAIl cuz thats not even remotely true. Yeah android has over that many regular mobile phone apps BUT nOT tablet apps. Secondly, yeah, the xoom has great specs. I love the hardware side of it BUT that doesnt mean Jack if u dont have software or apps that make use of it. Apps make the tablet market go round. Thats why apple has over 1 billion app dowmloads. Thats why apple ipad did so well despite the restrictions. N android is not ahead odf apple. I cant believe im defending apple cuz i use to hate them, but facts are facts. People think just because a month or two or three android sells more n their on top. FAIL!!! What market goes by is overall. Overall, apple has sold more thn anyone in recent times. Dont get me wrong, i really like android also but it still has a looooong way to go b4 catching up to apple success. Apple is so ahead of the game its stupid. Apple is like a monopoply, the modern day windows/ bill gates. Nuff said, NEXT! Lol

Totally agree with you! Android doesn't have many apps for tablets yet and all the ones for the tabs, only scale up the apps, instead of making use of all that extra space that a big screen offers buy adding more features. (oh wait, the galaxy doesn't have very much screen space. Never mind. Only 7 inches. Oh well.)
DaveSt said:
Actually to be fair, the Xoom has Flash right now. All you have to do is go to the market and install Flash 10.1. What it doesn't have is version 10.2 optimized for Honeycomb.

Everything on iPad comes in the box. You don't have to go to the app store to download safari do you? You can use all the features on the iPad without the app store.

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